The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Memphis District successfully completed a construction project in partnership with the Little River Drainage District in Bollinger County, Missouri.
The West Basin Scour Repairs Phase 3 Construction contract was awarded to SYTE Corporation for $4,613,864 to repair multiple bank scours along four miles of the Castor River Diversion Channel.
“Diversion channels serve the purpose of helping provide relief for drainage areas along the mainline levee to reduce the amount of flooding which a mainline levee would need to protect,” Project Manager Amber Jarnagin said. “This diversion channel serves an important purpose for the nearby West Basin Levee. This project was phase three of five for scour projects to help protect the West Basin Levee.”
Construction started on July 15, 2020, and was completed six months ahead of schedule on Jan. 7, 2021.
Project Delivery Team members included Project Manager Amber Jarnagin, Technical Lead -- Jeff Glass, Contracting Specialist -- Kimberly Danielray, Construction Quality Assurance -- Michael Clark, Geotechnical -- Ben Tatum, Hydraulics & Hydrology -- Sarah Girdner, Real Estate Specialist -- Joshua Neisen, Cost Engineer - Kevin Keller, Value Engineering Officer -- Neal Newman, and Environmental Specialist --Kevin Pigott.