USACE Small Business

USACE Small Business Program Logo
Our mission is to be the Army's leader in utilizing small businesses for the delivery of the USACE mission.
Contractor Interested in Supporting Emergency Efforts- Click Here to submit your capabilities!!


MISSION STATEMENT:  To sustain the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as a premier organization in developing small businesses and maximizing their opportunities to participate in our procurements, thereby ensuring a broad base of capable suppliers to support the Corps of Engineers' mission and strengthen our nation’s economic development.

Contractors: NEWS YOU CAN USE

To read more on any of the topics below please visit the "News You Can Use" Page: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Headquarters > Business With Us > Small Business > News You Can Use For Contractors (

  • DoD Mentor Protege Program BAA is released
  • Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (FAPIIS) Now Part of System for Award Management
  • Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTAC) now known as APEX ACCELERATORS
  • Small Businesses can now request past performance ratings for work they perform as part of a J/V or First-Tier Subcontractor
  • SBA Updates Table of Size Standards
  • Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) Resources and News

Other "Good to Know Information" for our USACE Industry Partners

  • Did you know USACE has available resources and information for the dredging community?  We have compiled information from previous Dredging Industry Days and all USACE-specific dredging resources in a one-stop shop Dredging Corner
  • Did you know that each year, the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) deploys hundreds of its trained personnel and resources across the United States and its territories to respond to emergencies and aid in disaster response and recovery.  Under the National Response Framework (NRF) and authorities of the Stafford Act; USACE works under the direction of FEMA as a member of the federal team to support State and Local governments in responding to major disasters.  USACE also has its own authority to directly respond to State and Local needs related to flooding or coastal emergencies under Public Law 84-99.  Find out more about this mission, opportunities, and how you may support emergency operations at: Emergency Operations -- Headquarters U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Additional Resources for Contractors- COMING SOON!

  • Resource Library
  • Ask the Small Business Professional Q&A

Regulatory Enforcement Fairness

USACE Step-by-Step Resolution Process for Unfair Regulatory Enforcement

Pursuant to the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (SBREFA), HQ USACE Office of Small Business Programs is committed to successfully mitigating concerns between USACE and small business contractors. Inquiries may include excessive enforcement actions such as repetitive audits and investigations, and unreasonable fines, penalties, threats, retaliation, or other unfair actions. USACE offers the following chronological, streamlined process to expedite a mutually beneficial resolution for small businesses.

Step 1:  Contractors should first contact the local USACE Small Business Professional (SBP) at the appropriate geographic location. A listing of current local SBPs can be found here.

Step 2:  If the contractor inquiry is not addressed within 30 days in Step 1, the contractor should elevate their concern to the respective Division or Center Assistant Director of Small Business (AD). A listing of current ADs can be found here.

Step 3:  If the contractor inquiry is not addressed within 30 days in Step 2, the contractor should contact, HQ USACE Office of Small Business Programs, at with the following information:

  • Include “SBREFA Inquiry” in the subject heading
  • Contractor name and contact information
  • USACE contract or solicitation number
  • USACE District/Center location
  • Names of USACE employees the contractor previously contacted
  • Brief description and current status of the issue

Contractor inquiries not resolved through the above USACE resolution process may be submitted to the Office of the National Ombudsman (ONO), U.S. Small Business Administration. Submit an online request for assistance at or download a printable Federal Agency Comment Form (SBA Form 1993) and submit documentation via email (preferred), mail, or fax.


Fax: (202) 481-5719

Mail: Office of the National Ombudsman, U.S. Small Business Administration, 409 3rd Street, S.W., Mail Code 2120, Washington, D.C., 20416