Planning Assistance to States

The Planning Assistance to States (PAS) program is authorized by Section 22 of WRDA 1974, as amended, and is often referred to as PAS, and sometimes referred to as the “Section 22” program.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) offers two types of planning assistance through PAS: technical assistance and comprehensive plans. Assistance under PAS covers all USACE mission areas to include flood risk management, ecosystem restoration, and navigation, as well as water supply and water resilience. Eligible partners under PAS include any state, or group of states, federally recognized Native American Tribe (Tribal Nation), U.S. Territories, or other non-federal entities to include non-profit organizations with the support of the affected local government. Regional coalitions of governmental entities may also partner with USACE to develop water resources comprehensive plans.

The PAS program is limited to provided planning-level assistance; detailed design, specification, and construction are not included in this program. Implementation of deliverables under the PAS program is the responsibility of the non-federal partner. The typical timeframe for completing work under PAS is one to two years.


Technical Assistance on Water Resources Management Efforts

USACE can provide technical assistance for management of water resources to states, Tribal Nations, U.S. Territories, and other governmental organizations. For example, we can develop, collect, and conduct hydrologic, economic, or environmental data and risk analyses to support an entity’s hazard mitigation plan, ecosystem restoration plan, water resources management plan, long-term recovery plan, climate action plan, etc.

Comprehensive Plans

Comprehensive plans provide a vision for addressing water resources challenges in the context of developing, utilizing, and conserving the water and related resources within drainage basins, watersheds, and their ecosystems. Comprehensive planning may cover a large geographic area and a long-term planning horizon.

Typical water resources problems and opportunities addressed in comprehensive water resource plans can include: flood risk management, water supply, water conservation, environmental restoration, water quality, hydropower, erosion, navigation, fish and wildlife, cultural resources, and environmental resources.


Projects under PAS for both technical assistance and comprehensive plans are cost shared with the study partner at 50 percent (50% federal funding and 50% non-federal funding). The non-federal cost share for preparing a water resources Comprehensive Plan may be provided either by direct funds or by in-kind support—for example, by providing labor, services, materials, supplies, or other in-kind services—the value of which can go towards meeting the cost-share requirement. The cost share for technical assistance must be provided in funds by the project partner and cannot be met via in-kind services. Non-federal partners may also voluntarily contribute funds in excess of the cost-shared amount if they wish to increase the scope of work beyond what the federally-budgeted amount can support.

A cost-share waiver is available for eligible communities that meet the definition of economically disadvantaged communities as defined in the guidance for Section 160 of the Water Resources Development Act of 2020. For further information, please contact the local USACE district.

Examples of past studies and activities completed under PAS include:

  • Watershed planning
  • Flood risk management
  • Surface and groundwater quality
  • Stormwater management
  • Coastal resiliency
  • Environmental Conservation and Restoration
  • Water supply and demand
  • Wetland delineations
  • Stream assessments
  • GIS mapping

How to Request Assistance under PAS

Requests for assistance must be in the form of a letter that includes the location and problem to be investigated, submitted by a state, local government agency, U.S. Territory, federally-recognized Tribal Nation, or other non-federal entity to the appropriate USACE district. A non-profit organization may be a non-federal partner with the submission of a letter from the affected local government consenting to the provision of Section 22(a) assistance to the nonprofit entity working with the state. To find your local USACE district, visit

Together with USACE, a scope of work will be developed to address the work to be done to address the water resources issue, to include costs and cost-sharing requirements. Upon concurrence of the scope, both USACE and the partner will enter into a Section 22 Agreement, either for the provision of technical assistance or development of a comprehensive plan. Once the agreement is executed and funding is in place, the project will commence.

For template Section 22 Agreements and related requirements, please visit the USACE Project Partnership Agreement website and expand the Planning Assistance to States section.