Nano Expert
CAD Building
ERDC Video
Civil Engineering Awards
The Chief of Engineers Awards of Excellence Program (AEP) recognizes excellence in design, construction, and sustainability achievement by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Geographic Districts, Centers, Laboratories and Field Operating Activities in tandem with our customers and private sector professional partners. The recognized projects and professional works reflect a wide range of skills, innovation and commitment to deliver quality projects for our nation and the Armed Forces. Additionally, these awards demonstrate an enhanced commitment to our Communities of Practice as the basis for our technical leadership. We strongly encourage participation by all USACE Commands and look forward to viewing your outstanding entry for the 2020 Program.
Planning Toolbox
About Corps Planning
The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers is the Federal government's largest water resources development and management agency. The Corps began its water resources program in 1824 when Congress for the first time appropriated money for improving river navigation. Since then, the Corps has been involved in improving river navigation, reducing flood damage along rivers, lakes, and the coast. Along with these missions, the Corps generates hydropower, supplies water to cities and industry, regulates development in navigable waters, restores aquatic ecosystems, assists in national emergencies, and manages a recreation program. Today, the Corps manages nearly 1,500 water resources projects.
The Corps Planning program delivers water resources solutions for the Nation by:
Preparing for and adapting to future water resources needs;
Collaborating with our partners and stakeholders with intentional and transparent communication;
Integrating interdisciplinary perspectives, technical analysis, and societal values to illuminate decisions; and
Applying a scalable, disciplined, and risk-informed process to advise decision makers.
Dredging Innovation Ops
The Dredging Innovations Group (DIG) was formed to address identified gaps in solution development and deployment, technical implementation support, and program-level services in the scopes of existing USACE Dredging Operations Programs. DIG leverages current R&D products and engages USACE interests through the Dredging Operations Technical Support (DOTS) Program and the Navigation Community of Practice to provide technology development and deployment, actionable program information and implementable strategies.
The DIG program was started in 2012, and since that time has provided support for research efforts across multiple ERDC laboratories and USACE Districts. Through close partnerships with researchers and practitioners, the DIG program continues to publish technical notes and technical reports, and implement solutions to assist the USACE dredging program.
Professional Awards
Welcome to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Professional Awards website! Each year USACE recognizes employees' contributions of excellence in performance, leadership, professional development and community support in the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, interior design, computer aided design & building information modeling, and structural engineering.
(MRSI) MILCON Requirements, Standardization, and Integration
The MRSI Team is part of the Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL).
Environmental Laboratory
The Environmental Laboratory's continued success requires significant investment in aging infrastructure and new facilities to maintain or improve current facility capacity and capabilities. Reliable and redundant systems for safety, communication, and utilities are vital for operational efficiency and security.
CHS webtool
The Coastal Hazards System (CHS) is a national resource providing probabilistic coastal hazards assessment (PCHA) results and statistics based on high-resolution numerical modeling of coastal storms. These data were developed by the CHS team, our partners, and other third parties, typically from a regional perspective. It is the responsibility of the user to assess the data accuracy and integrity, and to make an informed decision on whether the use of CHS data is appropriate at specific coastal locations or other areas of interest.
The CHS team, the Coastal Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL), and the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) are not responsible or liable for inappropriate use of these data. For additional information regarding CHS products, please contact the CHS team via the e-mail address below.
Coastal Hazards System
About CHS
Developed by the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, CHS components include this web site, a long-term raw data archive, distributed data repository, metadata database, and a web application that enables easy access to comprehensive and standardized coastal data and statistics. CHS stores comprehensive, high-fidelity, numerical modeling storm-responses such as storm climatology, storm surge, water level, wave height, wave period, wave direction and current magnitude with corresponding aleatory and epistemic uncertainties. CHS also stores well-vetted observation data (water levels, waves, and meteorological parameters such as wind and atmospheric pressure) along with extreme value statistics of observed wave and water level responses. CHS provides relevant information for federal projects, risk management/assessment, project design and evaluation.
Ops & Regulatory Gateway
Natural Resources Management
Field Research Facility Data Portal
The FRF Data Portal provides access to near-realtime and archived observations from the US Army Corps of Engineers Field Research Facility.
USACE ERDC webcams
USACE Engineer Research and Development Center webcames
Dredging Ops & Environmental Research
The DOER Program
The Dredging Operations and Environmental Research Program (DOER) supports the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Operation and Maintenance Navigation Program. Research is designed to balance operational and environmental initiatives and to meet complex economic, engineering, and environmental challenges of dredging and disposal in support of the navigation mission. Research results will provide dredging project managers with knowledge and technology for cost-effective operation, evaluation or risks associated with management alternatives, and environmental compliance.
Engineering w/ Nature
Engineering With Nature is the intentional alignment of natural and engineering processes to efficiently and sustainably deliver economic, environmental, and social benefits through collaborative processes.
Sustainable development of water resources infrastructure is supported by solutions that beneficially integrate engineering and natural systems. With recent advances in the fields of engineering and ecology, there is an opportunity to combine these fields of practice into a single collaborative and cost-effective approach for infrastructure development and environmental management.
Biota-Sediment Accumulation DB
The BSAF database is a collection of bioaccumulation data obtained from peer-reviewed literature and reports submitted by U.S. government agencies. The database was developed by researchers at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center Environmental Laboratory through support provided by the Dredging Operations Technical Support Program. The data are useful for comparing measured tissue concentrations from a bioaccumulation test — such as those performed to evaluate dredged sediment — to published information that describes the ratio between the chemical concentrations in the organism's tissue to concentration in the sediment.
Threatened & Endangered Species
To accelerate development of solutions to priority threatened and endangered species (TES) issues that will improve budget planning capabilities and operational flexibility and reduce future costs and adverse impacts to USACE mission execution.