- MH-1A STURGIS Barge: Radiological decommissioning was completed September 2018 in Galveston, Texas. The barge was then transported to Brownsville, Texas, dismantled and recycled in March 2019. As a result of the decommissioning, approximately 600,000 pounds of lead and more than 5,000 tons of steel were recycled. The MH-1A Army Reactor Permit was terminated in May 2019. View photos here.
- SM-1 Deactivated Nuclear Power Plant at Fort Belvoir, Virginia: Currently maintained in safe storage. Decommissioning planning documents are being finalized with award of the decommissioning contract expected in summer 2020, followed by implementation of decommissioning activities anticipated to begin in early 2021.
- SM-1A Deactivated Nuclear Power Plant at Fort Greely, Alaska: Currently maintained in safe storage. Decommissioning planning contract awarded in December 2017 with award of decommissioning contract expected in 2022.