US Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Headquarters Website

Historical Content


Mission of the Office of History

Office of History seal
The mission of the Office of History is to collect, document, interpret, disseminate, and preserve the history and heritage of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The office accomplishes its mission through research and writing, a field history program, an oral history program, an extensive research collection, and a historic artifact collection.

Featured Articles

One hundred and fifty years ago Lt. George M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, began exploring and surveying vast expanses of the American West. Part II in this anniversary series introduces some of the other Great Western Surveys of the 19th century in an era of exploration of which the Wheeler Survey became a part. NEW
Part I offers an Overview of what was called The Wheeler Survey.

The Corps of Engineers supports the National Museum of the U.S. Army in several ways - NEW

The field structure of the Corps of Engineers has never been set in stone. Read a brief review of
three of USACE’s Bygone Districts from the twentieth century - NEW

Seventy-five years ago the Second World War ended. Army Engineers contributed to the fight
that culminated in Victory in Europe Day, 8 May 1945, and Victory over Japan Day, 2 September 1945, followed by the reconstruction effort in Japan - REVISED

Collection in Focus

Serving in Iran during World War II — work, rest, and notable visitors.
Browse Persian Gulf Command Photo Albums to view scenes of Iran and elsewhere in the 1940s - NEW


Fifty Years Since Vietnam: See a brief exhibit on Army Engineers in Vietnam with a link
to a large photographic collection of engineer activities during the conflict in Southeast Asia.

Current Exhibit

Army Nuclear Power Program. See the on-line version of an exhibit on the history of the Army Engineers and the Army's nuclear power program, 1954-1976.

Featured Photos - Rangers and Recreation

Far East District History

Now available in eReader format.
Click image to access.
Image of open book
Image of open book
One of the latest field histories to be published is that of the Far East District, located in Korea. The book recounts the history of the district from 1957 to 2018 and its work in Korea, Japan, and elsewhere.


Lakes & Rivers History

Now available in eReader format.
Click image to access.
History book cover
Another recently published field history is that of the Great Lakes and Ohio River Division (LRD). The book focuses on the first decade of the division, roughly 1997 to 2007, and its evolution during that time frame. It also touches on the work undertaken by LRD's districts in the fields of civil works, military construction, emergency response, global deployment, and other mission areas.


Army Engineers in the District of Columbia

Army Engineers have a long record of involvement in Washington, D.C., from the city’s founding through today. The Office of History invites you to explore that history through online resources.

Or look back at past D.C.-related articles on: the American Red Cross buildings; the amphitheater at Arlington National Cemetery; Kennedy's eternal flame; the cherry trees and tidal basin; and the White House.

  • Browse it. Take a look at CEHO’s illustrated brief history of Engineer activities in the nation’s capital. View the brochure online or download it to read later.
  • Map it. Check out an interactive map that locates select Engineer projects in the District of Columbia and nearby, with accompanying photos and brief descriptions.
  • Read it. Go deeper and read the book-length illustrated manuscript prepared for CEHO by author Pam Scott. Or download the file and read it at your own pace.