We are a program directorate of the Corps national headquarters. We create and shape policy and perform strategic planning, direction and oversight of research and development for the Corps Military and Civil Works programs, and for the war fighter. We advise the Chief of Engineers on matters of science and technology (S&T) and set conditions for success in all S&T conducted in the Corps.
Communication is an important aspect of our work. We champion a collaborative, collegiate, and vibrant working environment with customers, partners, and stakeholders alike. We foster national relationships in S&T between the Corps and the administration, Congress, agencies, industry and non-governmental organizations. We develop and direct strategic initiatives to identify, focus, and prioritize technology directions to ensure that Corps S&T is responsive to users.
We are a facilitator to increase awareness of the Corps S&T community and what it can do for others. We are a vehicle through which the Nation can seek research and engineering support from the Corps. Help us help you by letting us know of your needs.