US Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Headquarters Website

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Field Force Engineering

Field Force Engineering (FFE) provides engineering services to the military, Department of Defense and federal agencies in support of military and catastrophic disaster relief operations relevant to national security.  History shows that engineering requirements in these missions are often overwhelming in the early stages of operations and again during the post-hostility/post-declaration phase. As a result, USACE specialists are called upon to fill the capability gaps.

The Corps' FFE program uses small, expeditious teams of military and USACE civilian specialists to bring the Corps technical engineering capabilities and expertise to the front with minimal footprint.

Through the use of cutting-edge, off-the-shelf communications equipment, FFE provides 'reachback' capability to enable personnel deployed worldwide to talk directly with experts in the United States when a problem in the field needs quick resolution.  Deployed troops are linked to subject matter experts within USACE, such as the Reachback Operations Center, private industry, and academia. This relationship with the combatant commander allows direct access to vast resources to support theater engagement strategies, contingency planning, and wartime operations.


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  • Support for engineer planning
  • Real estate services including acquisition and disposal of real property
  • Facilities design, base development master planning, and infrastructure planning
  • Contract construction
  • Environmental engineering including baseline environmental assessments and environmental assessments of specific host nation facilities to be used by U.S. forces
  • Geospatial engineering expertise and identification of groundwater sources
  • Force protection and infrastructure security engineering
  • Hardened target weapons effect assessments
  • Technical engineering assistance to commanders at all echelons
  • Contracting for base camp and facilities operations and maintenance services

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Reachback Operations Center (UROC) provides a "reachback" engineering capability enabling Department of Defense personnel deployed worldwide to talk directly with experts in the United States when a problem in the field needs quick resolution. Deployed troops are linked to subject matter experts within the government, private industry, and academia to obtain solutions to complex field problems.

Reachback Equipment

TeleEngineering Communications Equipment: TCE provides a secure and non-secure communications link between deployed USACE personnel, their higher headquarters, engineer units and subject matter experts to meet mission objectives.

Geospatial Assessment Tool for Engineering Reachback: The ike with GATER is a suite of applications allowing field data collection, a desktop application that serves as a conduit to synchronize data from the field to the desktop and then to the data repository, and online geographic information system mapping

Automated Route Reconnaissance Kit: The ARRK is an adaptable, easy to use reconnaissance package that allows any military or civilian unit to rapidly collect, process, and distribute route reconnaissance information.

Contact Us

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Reachback Operations Center Inbox

Call Us:
(601) 634-2439