Abstract: The Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) Rapid Airfield Damage Recovery (RADR) program currently utilizes rapid-setting flowable fill (RSFF) and rapid-setting concrete (RSC) for backfilling and capping crater repairs. These materials have been proven successful through many full-scale tests, troop demonstrations, and live flight trafficking. However, only one proprietary product is currently approved for each material. Two candidate capping materials and one backfill material were evaluated by conducting simulated crater repairs and collecting appropriate data. For capping products, both small (8.5 ft x 8.5 ft) and large (15 ft x 15 ft) repairs were conducted and trafficked with simulated F-15E aircraft traffic. For the backfill material, three small repairs were backfilled and the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) was estimated at cure times of 0.5, 2, and 24 hr. Overall, repairs capped with Western Materials Fastrac 246 failed after only 2,000 passes, so the material is not currently recommended for approval. Repairs capped with Buzzi Unicem Ulti-Pave3® were able to sustain 3,500 passes before trafficking was ceased, so this material is recommended for approval as a crater repair capping material. CTS rapid-setting flowable fill backfill exhibited lower than expected CBR values and did not allow timely percolation of mix water, so it is not currently recommended for approval at this time.