Author: Bruce I. Sanders
  • Opening the Bird Island Pier

    Congressman Brian Higgins, Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown, Buffalo District Commander Lt. Col. Owen Beaudoin and Niagara Greenway Executive Director Rob Beleu gathered at the Bird Island Pier on August 13, 2013 for a ribbon cutting ceremony to announce the official reopening of the pier.
  • An American POW’s story

    A Prisoner of War or Enemy Prisoner of War is a person, whether combatant or non-combatant, who is held in custody by an enemy power during or immediately after an armed conflict. The earliest recorded usage of the phrase is dated 1660.
  • An American POW’s story

    When World War II ended, Nazi Germany held nearly 95,000 U.S. military personnel; Japan held almost 15,000 Americans. 2nd Lt. Robert L. Pioli, U.S. Army Air Corps, father of Buffalo District Safety Specialist William Pioli, was one of those 95,000.