Tribal Partnership Program: Lower Sioux Indian Community

Published Nov. 24, 2020
Updated: Nov. 24, 2020
The study will assess the problems and opportunities being faced by the Lower Sioux Indian Community on their tribal lands and make recommendations related to erosion along the Minnesota River adjacent to and impacting those lands.
The Lower Sioux Indian Community is located south of the Minnesota River in Redwood County, approximately two miles south of the city of Morton, Minnesota. 
On May 8, 2019, the Lower Sioux Indian Community requested the assistance of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for riverbank stabilization on the Minnesota River. 
A feasibility cost share agreement between the Corps and the Lower Sioux Indian Community was signed on September 16, 2020. Federal funding for the study was provided in July 2020. The study has begun by coordinating and validating the scope, schedule and budget with the Lower Sioux Indian Community. The study will include conducting an inventory of existing information, developing additional information as necessary to formulate alternatives, analyzing costs/benefits/environmental impacts, and recommending a tentative plan on how to address the erosion challenges.
The Tribal Partnership Program is authorized by Section 203 of the Water Resources Development Act of 2000 (Public Law 106‒541). The Tribal Partnership Program provides authority for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to work with Indian nations to study and determine the feasibility of carrying out projects that will substantially benefit Indian nations.
FY 2021:
Begin Feasibility Study             $175,000
Feasibility studies cost share agreements qualify for a cost share waiver of up to $484,000 for the study and a separate waiver of up to $484,000 for design and construction.