News Stories

Tag: Rock Island District
  • March

    Celebrating the valiant women of USACE

    "I can do anything I want to do," young Suzy Weil, now Memphis District counsel and senior legal officer said. “Now, looking back,” she said, "I never questioned that I could one day could grow up one day and do whatever I wanted to do. I can remember one of my father's law partners and best friend and his wife who was an attorney… and I can remember this woman who would come to my house. I would call her aunt Sherry. I just never thought it was something I could never do – becoming a lawyer." This is just one of many responses heard during the virtual meeting the Memphis District held in celebration of Women's History Month. The meeting, held on Mar. 24, 2021, featured seven of the Mississippi Valley Division's most exceptional women working for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). During the meeting, with a theme aptly titled "Valiant Women of the Vote: Refusing to be Silenced!", Memphis District Counsel and Senior Legal Officer Suzy Weil acted as both moderator and participant in a captivating one and half hour Question and Answer session.
  • January

    GLMRIS Brandon Road

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has evaluated potential control options and technologies at Brandon Road Lock and Dam to prevent the upstream Interbasin transfer of Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) while minimizing impacts to Illinois Waterway uses and users. This effort has identified a recommended plan. Implementation of the recommended plan requires congressional authorization.
  • November

    Mississippi Valley Division’s R5: Forging ahead for FY21

    The week of Oct. 19 – 23 was bustling at Vicksburg District headquarters as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division (MVD) and District leaders convened for the annual major subordinate command (MSC) Regional Governance Boards known as R5. If you aren’t familiar with the R5, the purpose of the meeting is a financial, program, and project review of the previous fiscal year (FY) and an assessment of the upcoming three FYs with a focus on the direction of the organization through the development of Lines of Effort (LoE).
  • September

    Big Creek Remedial Works

    The Big Creek Remedial Works provides protection for parts of Polk City, Iowa, and adjacent Big Creek Valley which are below the full flood pool level.
  • Historic Clock Gets Much Needed Preservation Work

    The Rock Island District’s historic clock, which sits atop the Clock Tower in the District’s headquarters building, is undergoing a significant preservation effort, not completed since 1950.
  • August

    Rock Island District employee named Structural Engineer of the Year

    Eric Johnson of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, has been named the USACE Structural Engineer of the Year. The honor, which was announced by USACE Headquarters June 30, was presented to Johnson August 5 during a virtual award ceremony conducted by Maj. Gen. Diana Holland, Mississippi Valley Division Commanding General.
  • July

    New Hammock Area Installed at Saylorville Lake

    In the past couple of years, “hammocking” has become a growing trend across the country and now people wishing to “hammock” can do so in a designated area at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, Saylorville Lake project. Typically, use of a hammock on Corps property is strictly prohibited but thanks to the installation of hammock poles, people can now enjoy the activity without breaking rules or damaging trees.
  • June

    Upper Mississippi River - Illinois Flood Risk Assessments

    This inter-agency pilot project developed map products to provide risk communication to communities in Illinois Mississippi Riverfront communities. Structural flood damage assessments for all structures were developed using multi-frequency flood depth grids. Survey data was collected for the lowest entry point and first floor elevation for all residential, commercial and industrial structures within the 1% annual chance exceedance floodplain. Parcel data, GIS data, and elevation certificate data that have been prepared for structures in the floodplain was obtained from county assessors.
  • May

    UMRR Program - Steamboat Island HREP - Pool 14

    The Steamboat Island Project is located in the middle section of Pool 14 along the right descending bank of the Upper Mississippi River (UMR), between the town of Princeton and the Wapsipinicon River. The goals are to maintain, enhance, and restore quality habitat for all native and desirable plant, animal, and fish species and maintain, enhance, restore, and emulate natural river processes, structures, and functions for a sustainable ecosystem.
  • March

    Upper Mississippi River System Hydraulic Model Update

    The development of a standardized and seamless flood risk management hydraulic model for the Upper Mississippi River (UMR) is an essential tool to understanding the risks that currently exist to the river communities and is a critical first step for the development of systemic flood risk management (FRM) strategy.

News Releases

Tag: Rock Island District
  • Corps seeks input on revised Coralville Lake Water Control Plan, plans virtual open house events

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Rock Island District is finalizing the Coralville Lake Water Control Plan and is seeking public input. Two virtual open house events will be hosted to offer a question and answer opportunity for the public and gather feedback about the updated plan. The first virtual event will be held Thursday, Feb. 25, at 5 p.m. and the second will be Thursday, March 4, at 5 p.m.
  • Mississippi Valley Division’s R5: Forging ahead for FY21

    The week of Oct. 19 – 23 was bustling at Vicksburg District headquarters as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division (MVD) and District leaders convened for the annual major subordinate command (MSC) Regional Governance Boards known as R5. If you aren’t familiar with the R5, the purpose of the meeting is a financial, program, and project review of the previous fiscal year (FY) and an assessment of the upcoming three FYs with a focus on the direction of the organization through the development of Lines of Effort (LoE).
  • Public walkway at Locks and Dam 14 to close for construction

    Starting Dec. 1, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Rock Island District will close the walkway located along the riverfront at Locks and Dam 14 in Pleasant Valley, Iowa, for construction until Nov. 21, 2021. The extended closure is necessary for demolition of the existing structure and construction of a new, concrete walkway.
  • Corps to reduce outflows, begin repairs to Saylorville Lake outlet channel

    Over the next few weeks, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Rock Island District will be modifying outflows at Saylorville Lake to facilitate repairs in the outlet channel below the dam. At times, outflows will be reduced to zero to accommodate concrete placement and curing. Ongoing coordination with downstream communities is underway to ensure successful completion of the work with minimal impacts to these areas.
  • Illinois Waterway reopens to navigation, construction complete

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, announces today that construction is complete and the Illinois Waterway locks have reopened to navigation after a series of extended, consolidated closures.
  • Corps invites public to participate in “Discover the Illinois Waterway” online virtual forum

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District is inviting public participation in an online virtual discussion forum titled “Discover the Illinois Waterway” Oct. 29 from 9 a.m.-noon.
  • North Tailwater Recreation Area to reopen below Lake Red Rock Dam

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District will reopen for public use the North Tailwater Recreation Area below Lake Red Rock Dam Oct. 1. The area has been closed since Fall 2014 due to construction of the new Red Rock Hydropower Project.
  • Smith’s Island Recreation Area Closed Until Further Notice

    Due to safety concerns related to storm damage, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has closed the Smith’s Island Recreation Area until further notice.
  • Volksweg Trail Extension Now Open to Cordova Park

    The newest section of the Volksweg Trail at Lake Red Rock is now complete and open to the public.  This extension adds an additional 2.5 miles of trail from the Roberts Creek trailhead west to Cordova County Park.  The full length of the Volksweg is now over 17 miles.   
  • Swimming Not Recommended at Lake Red Rock Beaches

    Due to elevated bacteria levels, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District does not recommend swimming at the North Overlook and Whitebreast beaches at Lake Red Rock.

Institute for Water Resources

Pacific Ocean Division

District welcomes new tribal liaison
Nov. 14, 2023 UPDATED

South Pacific Division

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