News Stories

  • April

    FED employees volunteer for international scout troop competition

    USAG HUMPHREYS, Republic of Korea – Build a sled, haul your sled, load it with a bunch of gear, navigate a series of tests and tasks as you strive for the highest score among all Scout troops of the Pacific Region in the annual Klondike Derby competition.  
  • Two ERDC researchers give back to Latin American developing communities

    Since the start of the new fiscal year, two environmental engineers from the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center’s (ERDC) Environmental Laboratory have contributed their time and expertise as mentors to college-aged students as part of an all-volunteer organization dedicated to improving the health and quality of life of developing communities across Latin America.
  • ERDC scientist honored with Arthur S. Flemming Award as outstanding federal employee

    VICKSBURG, Miss. – Dr. Igor Linkov, senior science and technology manager at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center’s (ERDC) Environmental Laboratory, has been selected by the George Washington University and Arthur S. Flemming Commission as one of 12 exceptional public servants in 2020.
  • First responders coordinate actions in Center Hill Dam tabletop exercise

    LANCASTER, Tenn. (April 15, 2019) – First responders participated in an exercise at Center Hill Dam last week to coordinate actions that would be necessary if they had to respond to a scenario where the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District could not operate the spillways during a high water event.
  • Cherokee Park Reopens April 15

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Little Rock District announces that beginning April 15, Cherokee Park near Morrilton, Arkansas will be available for reservations.
  • Industry Day at the Far East District

    USAG Humphreys, Republic of Korea - Far East District (FED), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), held a virtual Industry Day at District Headquarters, Mar. 17. Industry Day is an event held by a Department of Defense (DoD) Program Management Office (PMO) to present the plans for a current or future bid to representatives from the contractor community.
  • Jones named Nashville District Employee of the Month for February 2021

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (April 12, 2021) – Kristal Jones, senior contracting specialist in Nashville, Tennessee, is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District Employee of the Month for February 2021. She is recognized primarily for her hard work and expertise in soliciting a contract for a needed roof project for the Electronic Service Section building located at Old Hickory Lake.
  • Europe District’s Office of Counsel tackles unique challenges in supporting overseas mission

    The Office of Counsel is critical to delivering projects in any U.S. Army Corps of Engineers District office — and overseas in Europe District is no exception.
  • Collaboration a key theme at Engineering With Nature book launch event

    VICKSBURG, Miss. (April 9, 2021) ― The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Engineering With Nature (EWN) program’s Book Launch Event celebrated the release of Engineering With Nature, an Atlas, Volume 2 with the public, and included speakers conveying a shared goal for expanding EWN practices globally through collaboration, April 7.
  • ERDC researchers commission full-size, semi-autonomous research vessel

    Making its way through the murky waters and swift current of the Mississippi River at the Vicksburg riverfront, the Research Vessel Martin looks like any other U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) survey boat. However, there is one major difference. The inland survey vessel has been converted into a semi-autonomous craft, making it the first of its kind for the organization.

News Releases

  • Army Corps of Engineers announces Chiefs Report signing for the Hudson River Habitat Restoration Study

    Lt. Gen. Scott A. Spellmon, USACE Commanding General and 55th U.S. Army Chief of Engineers, has signed the Hudson River Habitat Restoration Ecosystem Restoration Chief’s Report representing the completion of the study and making it eligible for congressional authorization.
  • Army Corps seeks public comment on modified permit process for activities in Maryland

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, released for public comment their proposal to issue Maryland State Programmatic General Permit – 6 (MDSPGP-6) Nov. 23, 2020.
  • NR 20-028: Lake Cumberland Visitor’s Center temporarily using appointment system

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Nov. 30, 2020) – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District announces that the Lake Cumberland Visitor’s Center located in Somerset, Kentucky, is accepting visitors by appointment only through the end of 2020 as a precaution to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
  • Tule River Spillway project document out for public review

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District has released a draft environmental assessment outlining phase two of the Tule River Spillway Enlargement Project at Success Lake in Tulare County.
  • Mississippi Valley Division’s R5: Forging ahead for FY21

    The week of Oct. 19 – 23 was bustling at Vicksburg District headquarters as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division (MVD) and District leaders convened for the annual major subordinate command (MSC) Regional Governance Boards known as R5. If you aren’t familiar with the R5, the purpose of the meeting is a financial, program, and project review of the previous fiscal year (FY) and an assessment of the upcoming three FYs with a focus on the direction of the organization through the development of Lines of Effort (LoE).
  • Corps of Engineers issues Enbridge Line 3 permit

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District issued an individual permit today, November 23, to Enbridge, Inc., for construction-related impacts to waters of the United States resulting from its Line 3 replacement project.
  • Public walkway at Locks and Dam 14 to close for construction

    Starting Dec. 1, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Rock Island District will close the walkway located along the riverfront at Locks and Dam 14 in Pleasant Valley, Iowa, for construction until Nov. 21, 2021. The extended closure is necessary for demolition of the existing structure and construction of a new, concrete walkway.
  • Chief of Engineers signs Grand River Basin Study – on to Congress

    Lt. Gen. Scott A. Spellmon, USACE Commanding General and 55th U.S. Army Chief of Engineers, signed the Chief’s Report for the Grand River Basin Study on November 19, 2020. The signing of the report progresses the project to Congress for authorization. “I am grateful for the hard work of the entire team and for the outstanding partnership with the State of Missouri, other federal agencies, and the local communities in this area. The partnership is what made this important study successful. This is a great example of improving habitats and the environment while also increasing flood protection in an area. Ultimately, it will greatly benefit the people, the economy, the environment, and the many areas of the Grand River Basin,” said Col. Bill Hannan, commander, Kansas City District.
  • High water levels and wave events increase safety hazards

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers urges caution around Great Lake piers, breakwaters and jetties, particularly during times of high wind and wave events. Many accidents and incidents near harbor structures occur during the turbulent weather season late in the year and higher than normal water levels pose an added threat. The lakeshore attracts local residents and visitors alike and some may not be aware of the powerful impacts that strong winds, storms and high water levels can bring. Dangers of High Water Levels, Waves. The Great Lakes are experiencing higher than normal water levels, which bring safety hazards such as submerged breakwaters, dangerous rip currents and electric shock risks.
  • Corps to reduce outflows, begin repairs to Saylorville Lake outlet channel

    Over the next few weeks, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Rock Island District will be modifying outflows at Saylorville Lake to facilitate repairs in the outlet channel below the dam. At times, outflows will be reduced to zero to accommodate concrete placement and curing. Ongoing coordination with downstream communities is underway to ensure successful completion of the work with minimal impacts to these areas.

Institute for Water Resources

Pacific Ocean Division

District welcomes new tribal liaison
Nov. 14, 2023 UPDATED

South Pacific Division

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