News Stories

  • January

    USACE fulfills a tall order

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District uses the latest demolition technology to remove an old stack at the Brookhaven National Laboratory to make the area safe for the community.
  • Complete: Scour repairs downstream of St. Francis bridge

    The Memphis District has done it again. The Memphis District Commander, Col. Zachary Miller, district leadership, Project Partner Rob Rash, and Project Delivery Team members all gathered to celebrate, with a ribbon-cutting, the completion of yet another significant project involving riverbank armoring. Along with our longtime partner, the St. Francis Levee District of Arkansas, represented by Rob Rash, the Memphis District awarded a contract to A Rock Construction Co., Inc., in the amount of $2,786,197, to remove debris, reshape the channel, and armor the bank with more than 27,000 tons of stone along the CR736 Bridge over the St. Francis River in St. Francis County, Arkansas.
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers tests artificial-intelligence tool for monitoring water quality and oceanographic conditions at Port Everglades

    Large-scale coastal dredging projects have the potential to add stress to coral reef communities in surrounding areas, especially if impacts are undetected or fail to be detected in time.
  • Contingency Basing Integration Training, Evaluation Center tests U.S. Army Prime Power School students

    The Contingency Basing Integration Training and Evaluation Center (CBITEC), in Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, provides U.S. Army Prime Power School students with testing facilities throughout their year-long training program. While the students encounter a variety of course challenges, the hands-on training provided and facilitated by the CBITEC is considered the most demanding. CBITEC is a U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) facility that supports the operational energy continuum and safely trains the warfighter to tackle the nation’s power challenges.
  • Casing of the Colors: A transitional milestone

    Adversity and flexibility have always been the foundation for the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, and as the landscape of Afghanistan continues to evolve, so do transitions within USACE in continuing to support its mission in theater.
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers uses artificial-intelligence tool to monitor dredging projects at Port Everglades in near real-time

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District uses forecasting tool in partnership with other federal agencies to safely monitor dredging operations throughout the region.
  • Philly District’s Bridge Inspection & Evaluation Team Reaches New Heights

    The Bridge Inspection & Evaluation Center of Expertise, based in Philadelphia, consists of 15 engineers who provide design and evaluation services, ten of whom are also rope-access certified technicians.
  • ERDC partners with University of Southern Mississippi to maximize Gulf oyster habitat restoration

    The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) has announced a three-year research collaboration with the University of Southern Mississippi (USM) to create oyster reef habitat in the northern Gulf of Mexico.
  • Ribbon-cutting ceremony for Hopefield Point completion

    The Memphis District Commander Col. Zachary Miller, district leadership, and members of the Project Delivery Team gathered on the Mississippi Riverbanks in Arkansas for a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the completion of a bank armoring project, Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2021.
  • A look back: Kuykendoll Cash’s 35 years of service

    Congratulations to Project Management Branch Chief Regina Kuykendoll Cash, who retired from the Memphis District after serving about 35 years of federal service. To celebrate her, we take a look back at her many years of service and recognize her for most everything she’s done, not just for the Memphis District, but also for our Nation.

News Releases

  • Army Corps of Engineers seeks public comments on proposal to renew and revise nationwide permits

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced today it is seeking comments on its proposal to renew and revise 52 nationwide permits for work in wetlands and other waters that are regulated by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. In addition, USACE is proposing to issue five new nationwide permits that pertain to authorizing seaweed mariculture activities, finfish mariculture activities, electric utility line and telecommunications activities, utility line activities for water and other substances, and water reclamation and reuse facilities.
  • Kansas City District awards contracts totaling $17 million for repair of pump stations

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District, awarded two contracts totaling $17M to Supplied Industrial Solutions of Granite City, Illinois to complete repairs and modifications to ten pump stations along the Armourdale and Central Industrial District Levee Units. Due to diligent work by all team members, these contracts were awarded early, thus meeting a USACE goal to start and finish projects faster.
  • Corps breaks ground on Tule River Spillway Enlargement Project

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District, along with local and federal partners, have broken ground on the Tule River Spillway Enlargement Project at Success Lake near Porterville, California. The project is a cooperative effort between USACE, the Central Valley Flood Protection Board, the California Department of Water Resources, and the Lower Tule River Irrigation District to raise the gross pool elevation of Success Lake, reducing the downstream risk of flooding while also increasing the water supply capability of the reservoir.
  • Army Corps to host Raystown Branch Cleanup Event on National Public Lands Day

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Raystown Lake, invites volunteers to continue the annual tradition of public service by participating in this year's Raystown Branch of the Juniata River Cleanup Day Saturday in honor of National Public Lands Day.
  • Corps proposes Kennebunk River jetties and wing walls repair and maintenance project

     The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District is proposing to repair the east and west
  • New Lock moves forward with Phase 2 contract award

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers officials announce the New Lock at the Soo second phase construction contract is awarded to Kokosing Alberici LLC of Westerville, Ohio. The much-anticipated mega-project will take three phases to construct. Kokosing Alberici will receive more than $111 million to complete phase two. This contract will stabilize the existing approach walls, allowing modern vessels to tie up and wait their turn to pass through the new lock. Construction will begin in spring 2021 and take about two years to complete. "The Corps looks forward to beginning construction on the upstream approach walls next spring, and we continue to work hard to maintain the pace and meet all milestones in bringing our nation's New Lock at the Soo to fruition,” said Detroit District Commander Lt. Col. Scott Katalenich.
  • Corps issues statement on Environmental Investigation Agency’s recorded conversations

    We are aware of the Environmental Investigation Agency’s recorded conversations. We are committed to
  • Hunting Opportunities at Raystown Lake for 2020, 2021 Season

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Raystown Lake announces the opening of the following access roads to accommodate upcoming hunting seasons.
  • USACE awards contract to increase Guam Memorial Hospital patient capacity for Alternate Care Facility use

    Working in partnership with the government of Guam and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Honolulu District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) awarded a contract Sept. 18 to provide additional power capability and upgrades to rooms in Guam Memorial Hospital (GMH) to meet the emergent need for increased patient capacity and care capability in Guam.
  • Quonset Development Corporation seeks Narragansett Bay MacNaught Street pier permit

     The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District received a permit application from Quonset

Institute for Water Resources

Pacific Ocean Division

District welcomes new tribal liaison
Nov. 14, 2023 UPDATED

South Pacific Division

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