  • ERDC researchers model COVID-19 for the Nation

    VICKSBURG, Miss. – When the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center’s Dr. Brandon Lafferty sleeps these days, he dreams about predictive models. That’s because since mid-March, Lafferty, a researcher from the ERDC Environmental Laboratory, has been helping lead ERDC’s Modelling and Simulation Team develop the ERDC Susceptible Exposed Infected Recovered ⸺ or SEIR ⸺ model for COVID-19, and it’s an intense effort.
  • Debris team wrapping up FEMA technical support mission in Middle Tennessee

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (April 23, 2020) – The Corps of Engineers’ team supporting clean-up efforts in Middle Tennessee in the wake of deadly tornadoes that devastated the region in early March is wrapping up its FEMA technical support mission where contractors have removed an estimated 450,000 cubic yards of debris, enough to fill 137 Olympic-size swimming pools.
  • Corps, multiple teams ready to construct Memphis ACF

    As the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Memphis District continues to work in support of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) - and in coordination with other federal, state, local, tribal partners, and our prime contractor AECOM – to build Memphis' Alternate Care Facility and to synchronize the interagency response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, multiple teams came together yesterday to meet and prepare for a very busy month ahead.
  • TCF Center Alternate Care Facility construction complete

    DETROIT – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District, announces that construction is complete at Michigan’s first Alternate Care Facility at TCF Center in Detroit. The facility will begin accepting patients April 10, 2020. The TCF Center Alternate Care Facility is one of the first in the Nation to be turned over to the state. Construction included triage area, patient support services such as showers and toilets, staff changing areas and administrative space, a command center and pharmacy. The 350,000 square foot conversion of the convention center into a medical facility with 970 bed spaces across two floors for COVID-19 patients took nine days. “I'm proud that the team was able to complete this mission and get help to the doctors and nurses on the front lines so quickly,” said Lt. Col. Gregory Turner, commander, USACE, Detroit District. “With this facility coming on line as supplies and staff pour into Michigan, I really expect that the TCF Center will be a beacon of hope for Detroit and the Nation.”
  • USACE awards construction contract for additional hospital space in Porterville, California

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers awarded a construction contract Sunday to Herman Construction Group, Inc. of Escondido, California, to retrofit the Porterville Developmental Center in Tulare County for an alternate care site in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • USACE to begin construction on alternate care facilities in Virginia

    The Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has received three mission assignments from FEMA to construct alternate care facilities in Northern Virginia, the Hampton Roads region and in the Richmond, Virginia area.
  • Fort Worth District evaluates sites for use as alternate care facilities

    Fort Worth District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has assembled field assessment teams tasked with evaluating existing sites for the possible conversion into alternate-care-facilities in Texas. The Corps’ teams, at the request of FEMA and the State of Texas, are evaluating facilities across the state. They are working closely with FEMA, state and local partners to best facilitate a quick response should the need arise to have additional alternate-care-facilities constructed.
  • Army Corps inspects facilities across DC, Maryland and Pennsylvania for potential care site conversion

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, is performing site inspections across Maryland, Pennsylvania and the District of Columbia to support a nationwide FEMA mission assignment to convert existing large spaces into alternate care sites to augment COVID-19 response efforts.
  • Seattle-based U.S. Army Corps of Engineers team to evaluate facilities as alternate-care-sites in Washington

    A Seattle District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) assessment team will begin evaluating existing facilities for possible conversion into alternate-care-sites in Washington March 26.
  • Norfolk District pours out the word on Virginia Flood Awareness Week

    This week is Virginia Flood Awareness Week, addressing the nation’s most common and costly natural disaster. The observance foreshadows the Atlantic hurricane season, which starts June 1, and is sponsored by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, Dam Safety and Floodplain Management – the commonwealth’s national flood insurance coordinator.