  • Local Government Liaisons reach the hearts of communities

    Often during disaster response, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Planning and Response Teams such as, temporary emergency power, debris removal and Operation Blue Roof are the Corps activities in the limelight; however, the little-known and little-seen Local Government Liaison, or LGL, national cadre is operating in the background, providing a critical lifeline of communication between Federal Emergency Management Agency, the state, local officials, and the Corps.
  • U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center responds to Hurricane Laura

    In the earliest stages of a hurricane, while churning systems are still developing over the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean waters, a team of experts with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) keeps a watchful eye over strengthening storms, ready to assist at a moment’s notice with Operation Blue Roof.
  • Corps installs 5,000th blue roof on one month anniversary of hurricane’s landfall

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers commemorated the one month anniversary of Hurricane Laura making landfall with the installation of the 5,000th roof as part of Operation Blue Roof in southwest Louisiana.
  • Corps, Samaritan's Purse go above and beyond for Laura survivor

    "The day I met Mr. Williams, I was looking for his house and drove past it because I didn't see it; all I saw were trees," Roofing Quality Assurance Specialist George Hayes recalled. "Honestly, I wasn't expecting anyone to be home. So many folks evacuated after the storm, I just figured no one was home. As I got closer to the door, I heard his little dog bark. I yelled, "Is anyone home?" and I saw a movement through the window. The door opened, and he drove his wheelchair out onto the front porch. My heart just sank." At that moment, Hayes knew he needed to go above and beyond to help this man.
  • USACE awards contract to increase Guam Memorial Hospital patient capacity for Alternate Care Facility use

    Working in partnership with the government of Guam and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Honolulu District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) awarded a contract Sept. 18 to provide additional power capability and upgrades to rooms in Guam Memorial Hospital (GMH) to meet the emergent need for increased patient capacity and care capability in Guam.
  • 20-050 Walla Walla District deploys four employees to assist with Operation Blue Roof

    Walla Walla, Wash. – Four U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Walla Walla District employees deployed recently to assist the New Orleans District’s support of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Operation Blue Roof mission in Baton Rouge, La., according to district emergency management officials.
  • USACE provides power to hard-hit Louisiana

    Living in the 21st century, most Americans have electricity on demand. When it isn’t working, it usually doesn’t take longer than a day to get it turned back on. But what happens when a storm like Hurricane Laura hits? Close to 200,000 residents living in southwestern Louisiana lost power on Aug. 27. Many of them are still without it, weeks after the storm has come and gone. Delivering power to southwest Louisiana is one of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' top priorities. USACE is installing generators in several critical facilities like water pump stations, sewage lift stations, hospitals, radio towers, and corrections facilities, to name a few. The 23-person team responsible for installing these generators ensured they were in Louisiana before Hurricane Laura even made landfall.
  • Blue Roof Program sign-up station opening in Lake Charles

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has opened a Blue Roof Sign-Up Center in Lake Charles, Louisiana, at the Lake Charles Civic Center, 900 Lakeshore Dr., open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. The program is currently active in Allen, Beauregard, Calcasieu, Cameron, Jefferson Davis, and Vernon parishes and is free to homeowners.
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers initiates Blue Roof Program

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is reviving its free Operation Blue Roof program to get as many houses into livable condition as possible during Hurricane Laura recovery. The program is currently active in Allen, Beauregard, Calcasieu, Cameron, Jefferson Davis, and Vernon parishes.
  • Memphis Team deployed to Louisiana in support of Hurricane Laura relief efforts

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Memphis District deployed a 13-member Emergency Power Planning and Response Team (PRT) to support Federal Emergency Management Agency's Hurricane Laura response, on Aug 26.