  • Keeping the lights on: Walla Walla Temporary Power Team installs generators in the wake of Hurricane Fiona

    On September 19, the day after Hurricane Fiona made landfall near Punta Tocón, members of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District Planning and Response Team (PRT) boarded a plane in Atlanta and flew to Puerto Rico. The team landed in San Juan at 8 p.m., on a mission to install generators and provide temporary emergency power to the island.
  • USACE serves on unified team to develop water supply resiliency playbook for Jackson, MS

    During late August of this year, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) was knee deep supporting the country with mission assignments that the Corps of Engineers is familiar with such as wildfires, floods, and hurricanes. One unexpected crisis ramped up USACE for an enterprise-wide, unified response to a not so familiar mission assignment – drinking water supply.
  • USACE volunteers complete FEMA mission assignment in aftermath of Colorado wildfires

    OMAHA, Neb. – 38 volunteers from the Omaha and Kansas City Districts, including several volunteers from Portland and Seattle, recently completed a six-month Federal Emergency Management Agency debris technical monitoring Mission Assignment near Boulder, Colorado on Aug. 26.
  • USACE delivers generators in support of Hurricane Fiona response in Puerto Rico

    (SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico Sept. 21, 2022 -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) successfully installed a 240 Kva generator provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) at the Diagnostic Treatment Center of Guanica, Puerto Rico Sept. 21, providing sufficient temporary power to the facility until commercial power is restored.
  • Jacksonville District provides support in response to Hurricane Fiona

    (SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO, Sept. 20, 2022) - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District has received FEMA Mission Assignments (MAs) for Regional Activation and Temporary Emergency Power in response to Hurricane Fiona. Under these MAs we have deployed a Temporary Emergency Power Planning and Response Team, Soldiers from the 249th Engineer Battalion, team leaders and assistant team leaders, as well as subject matter experts in logistics, temporary power, infrastructure assessment and debris. The Jacksonville District is coordinating with local, state and federal agencies on requirements and support in response to Hurricane Fiona.
  • USACE Vicksburg District performs initial assessments at O.B. Curtis Water Treatment Plant

    VICKSBURG, Miss. – The U.S. Army of Corps of Engineers (USACE) Vicksburg District received a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) mission assignment to perform pump assessments at the O.B. Curtis Water Treatment Plant in Ridgeland, Mississippi, Sept. 1, 2022, to support the Jackson water crisis. USACE Vicksburg District engineers were on site that afternoon after receiving the mission assignment, assessing the pumping system, electrical system and safety concerns.
  • Louisville District aids in Eastern Kentucky response, recovery after historic floods

    Southeast Kentucky received up to eight inches of rain during the evening of July 28, 2022, that resulted in the most catastrophic flooding event in the region’s recorded history. As the people of eastern Kentucky begin to rebuild, they face more than the devastating toll of lost loved ones and belongings. There are tons of muck, mire, and debris to be dealt with. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District is playing a vital role in those recovery efforts, providing support to the Commonwealth, and simultaneously cleaning up two of its own lake projects that withstood the flood and prevented millions of dollars in additional downstream damage. 
  • USACE Louisville District supports recovery efforts in eastern Kentucky following severe flooding

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District is working in partnership with local, state and federal agencies in response to severe flooding, which impacted eastern Kentucky, July 26-30, 2022. USACE works under the direction of FEMA to support state and local governments in responding to major disasters serving as the lead agency to respond with public works and engineering support.
  • USACE staff conducts dam safety emergency exercises

    Members of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, and Clemson University participated in dam safety tabletop exercises at Hartwell and Clemson Diversion Dams July 27-28. The exercises help foster dialogue between the Corps and stakeholders and prepares them to respond more effectively and efficiently to an emergency with the dam.
  • Army staff prepare for speculative storm strike in southwest Georgia

    J. STROM THURMOND DAM, Ga. – As a notional category four hurricane bears down on southwest Georgia, residents, government agencies, and Army engineers prepare for the worst – damaging winds, flooding and electrical failures. The speculative storm strike brought U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District staff together at J. Strom Thurmond Dam, Georgia May 5, to war game the scenario, something the district does on a regular basis.