News Stories

Tag: St. Paul District
  • December

    Crosscurrents Winter 2020 is now available

    The winter 2020 edition of Crosscurrents is now available.
  • Upper Mississippi River System Navigation and Ecosystem Sustainability Program (NESP)

    Navigation and Ecosystem Sustainability Program (NESP) is a long-term program of ecosystem restoration and navigation improvements for the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS). NESP will improve system capacity and reduce commercial traffic delays through construction of seven new 1,200-foot locks, mooring cells, and switchboat implementation.
  • November

    Tribal Partnership Program: Lower Sioux Indian Community

    The Lower Sioux Indian Community requested the assistance of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for riverbank stabilization on the Minnesota River. A feasibility cost share agreement between the Corps and the Lower Sioux Indian Community was signed and funding provided for a study to assess the problems and opportunities being faced by the Lower Sioux Indian Community on their tribal lands and make recommendations related to erosion along the Minnesota River adjacent to and impacting those lands.
  • Mississippi Valley Division’s R5: Forging ahead for FY21

    The week of Oct. 19 – 23 was bustling at Vicksburg District headquarters as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division (MVD) and District leaders convened for the annual major subordinate command (MSC) Regional Governance Boards known as R5. If you aren’t familiar with the R5, the purpose of the meeting is a financial, program, and project review of the previous fiscal year (FY) and an assessment of the upcoming three FYs with a focus on the direction of the organization through the development of Lines of Effort (LoE).
  • October

    ERDC University’s virtual graduation honors district participants

    Four presentations highlighted the Sept. 23 virtual ceremony for the Class of 2020 graduates of the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center’s (ERDC) ERDC University, with topics ranging from a comparison of healthy forest soils and those created for restoration projects; Unmanned Aerial Systems’ (UAS) mapping of former river channels’ crossing levees; Engineering With Nature® (EWN) resilience benefits; and extensive data results from forest volume measurements.
  • September

    Corps continues march toward diversion completion

    With every swing of a hammer, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, continues its progress toward completing the Fargo – Moorhead Metro Diversion Flood Risk Management Project.
  • Corps continues march toward diversion completion

    With every swing of a hammer, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, continues its progress toward completing the Fargo – Moorhead Metro Diversion Flood Risk Management Project.
  • July

    Construction reaches new heights on Red River of the North project

    Construction is literally reaching new heights this summer on the Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Area Flood Risk Management Project.
  • May

    St. Paul District Biologist Aaron McFarlane selected for Engineer Research and Development Center University program

    Professional networking opportunities stirred St. Paul District Biologist Aaron McFarlane’s interest in applying for the U. S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center University, where he is now participating in a six-month session to expand his environmental expertise. Now in its fifth year, ERDC U partners Corps division and district participants with ERDC subject matter experts to expand participants’ knowledge about technical solutions. 
  • April

    Sandy Lake Dam Rehabilitation Project, Aitkin County, Minnesota

    Over its history, Sandy Lake Dam has undergone a series of modifications, repairs and periodic inspections. From 2011 to 2016, a series of above and below water inspections identified several features that had deteriorated to a point that repair or replacement were necessary to maintain the long-term stability of the structure. Sandy Lake Dam is located on the Sandy River in Aitkin County, Minnesota, 1.25 miles upstream of the junction between the Sandy River and Mississippi River.

News Releases

Tag: St. Paul District
  • Corps to hold virtual public meeting on Upper St. Anthony Falls lock study

    ST. PAUL, Minn. –The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, will host a virtual public meeting Wednesday, March. 3, starting at 2 p.m. central time, to solicit feedback on its draft Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam disposition study.
  • Annual Lake Pepin ice measurements to begin next week

    ST. PAUL, Minn. – It’s a sign that spring is near, as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, will start its annual Lake Pepin ice measurements Feb. 9.
  • Corps of Engineers seeks public comments on its Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam Disposition Study

    ST. PAUL, Minn. –The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, is seeking public input from now until Feb. 16, 2021, on its recently completed draft disposition study for the Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam.
  • Mississippi Valley Division’s R5: Forging ahead for FY21

    The week of Oct. 19 – 23 was bustling at Vicksburg District headquarters as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division (MVD) and District leaders convened for the annual major subordinate command (MSC) Regional Governance Boards known as R5. If you aren’t familiar with the R5, the purpose of the meeting is a financial, program, and project review of the previous fiscal year (FY) and an assessment of the upcoming three FYs with a focus on the direction of the organization through the development of Lines of Effort (LoE).
  • Corps of Engineers issues Enbridge Line 3 permit

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District issued an individual permit today, November 23, to Enbridge, Inc., for construction-related impacts to waters of the United States resulting from its Line 3 replacement project.
  • Contract awarded for Lac qui Parle Dam modernization

    ST. PAUL, Minn. –The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, awarded a $5.7 million contract to Drax, Inc., out of Madison, Wisconsin, for the modernization of the Lac qui Parle Dam near Watson, Minnesota, yesterday, Nov. 12.
  • Construction contract awarded for Sandy Lake Dam rehabilitation

    ST. PAUL, Minn. –The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, recently awarded a $5.3 million dollar contract to Kaiyuh Services, LLC, out of Anchorage, Alaska, for the rehabilitation of Sandy Lake Dam, near Libby, Minnesota.
  • Corps will conduct inspections of Orwell Dam

    ST. PAUL, Minn. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, will conduct a periodic inspection at its Orwell Dam, located on the Otter Tail River near Fergus Falls, Minnesota, Nov. 4-6.
  • Corps seeks input on Mississippi River island project near Hastings, Minnesota

    ST. PAUL, Minn. –The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, will host a virtual public meeting Wed., Nov. 4, from 1-2 p.m., to introduce an island-building project the agency is proposing for the Mississippi River in Hastings, Minnesota.
  • Minneapolis locks closing for the end of navigation season

    ST. PAUL, Minn. – Due to the arrival of winter, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, is closing its Lower St. Anthony Falls lock and Lock and Dam 1 to commercial and recreational vessels for the end of the navigation season on Saturday Nov. 7.

Institute for Water Resources

Pacific Ocean Division

District welcomes new tribal liaison
Nov. 14, 2023 UPDATED

South Pacific Division

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