Minneapolis locks closing for the end of navigation season

Published Oct. 26, 2020

ST. PAUL, Minn. – Due to the arrival of winter, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, is closing its Lower St. Anthony Falls lock and Lock and Dam 1 to commercial and recreational vessels for the end of the navigation season on Saturday Nov. 7.

The Upper St. Anthony Falls lock remains closed. Locks 2 and south will remain open for now, weather permitting.

The St. Paul District navigation program provides a safe, reliable, cost-effective and environmentally sustainable waterborne transportation system on the Upper Mississippi River for the movement of commercial goods and for national security needs. To do this, the district maintains a 9-foot navigation channel and 13 locks and dams from Minneapolis to Guttenberg, Iowa. Keeping this system open is vital to the nation’s economy.

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Public Affairs

Release no. 20-147