Tag: fort worth district
  • The Fort Worth District's Cornerstone of Contracting Success

    As the fiscal year drew to a close, agencies reflected on past achievements while implementing the year’s lessons learned into the next fiscal year. This period can be likened to changing seasons; just as nature transitions from the vibrancy of summer to the introspection of winter, agencies assess their performance and strategize for the upcoming year.
  • Navigating Army Resources: From Military Service to Civilian Careers

    Picture the sun rising over a bustling café, two military members settled into a corner table, engaged in a conversation that reflects a pressing concern for many service members: life after military service. While one service member expresses concern over whether his 15 years of uniformed experience will translate into civilian job opportunities, the other service member is concerned with finding resources to expand her knowledge and technical skills desired before heading to the Captain’s Career Course.
  • Lake O’ the Pines Celebrates 70 Years

    Lake O’ the Pines and Ferrells Bridge Dam, in eastern Texas, will soon mark its 70th anniversary since ground was broken and construction began in January of 1955. Authorized by the Flood Control Act of 1946, the dam and reservoir were originally known as the Ferrells Bridge Dam and Reservoir, with construction managed by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ New Orleans District.
  • Timber Management for Habitat Management

    In a small town nestled in an East Texas forest, there lives a skilled group of Army Corps of Engineers foresters and forestry technicians. These individuals are responsible for overseeing the sustainable harvesting of trees on USACE property, ensuring that the delicate balance of the ecosystem and the habitat for the native wildlife species is maintained.
  • Live Locally and Plan Globally

    From Texas to Tokyo and almost everywhere in between, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Southwestern Division’s Regional Planning and Environmental Center’s Master Planning Branch, is planning the way ahead for operations, civil works and military construction projects.
  • Aloha and Mahalo

    In August of 2023, a little over one year ago, devastating wildfires swept through the small tropical towns of Kula and Lahaina, Hawaiʻi, setting the stage for a mission unlike anything the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Fort Worth District has ever seen.
  • Value Engineering: More Bang for Your Buck

    Picture a scenario where an Army Corps of Engineers project manager is working on a military construction project consisting of a 20,000 square foot administrative space with mixed carpeting and tile flooring. The customer also indicated the desire for a conference room with audio-visual equipment but could not get these features due to overall costs.
  • Crafting Leaders: The Fort Worth District’s Embroidery-Inspired Approach

    The ancient craft of embroidery, steeped in tradition, symbolizes communication, education, precision, and artistry. Leaders have used embroidery to unite people, weave narratives, and adapt to challenges.
  • USACE Announces New Canyon Lake Manager

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Fort Worth District announced today the selection Brett Mazey, a retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Col., as the new Canyon Lake Manager.
  • Canyon Lake’s Annual Dam Inspection

    Officials with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Fort Worth District announced today that beginning Monday, June 3, through Tuesday, June 4, river flows will be temporarily impacted because of a switchover from Guadalupe Blanco River Authority controlled releases to USACE controlled releases.