Tag: water management
  • 23-027 Dworshak Dam releases to begin increasing Thursday evening

    AHSAHKA, Idaho – Dworshak Dam is currently releasing 5,100 cubic feet per second. Flows will begin increasing on the evening of Thursday April 13 to be in the approximate range of 7,000 cfs. On the evening of Sunday April 16, flows will increase for a two-day period to be in the approximate range of 9,000 to 10,000 cfs.
  • 23-026 Boise River flows to increase the second week of April

    BOISE, Idaho -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation will continue to increase Boise River flows through the City of Boise the week of April 10.
  • 23-023 Boise River flows likely to increase the first week of April

    BOISE, Idaho -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation will increase Boise River flows through the City of Boise as early as April 3.
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to Host Open House & Water Forecast Meeting at Abiquiu Lake

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-Albuquerque District is scheduled to host an Open House for the public at the Abiquiu Lake Visitor Center March 21, 2023, starting at 6:00 pm. Topics to be discussed include the 2023 spring runoff, river release forecast and associated water operations, and the upcoming 2023 recreation season.
  • 23-015 Dworshak Dam to increase releases at the end of March

    AHSAHKA, Idaho –Dworshak Dam will be increasing releases starting March 27 from 1,700 cubic feet per second to approximately 4,000 to 6,000 cfs over a two-day period. Operations at Dworshak will change the height of the Clearwater River downstream of the dam by approximately 1.5 feet, over the two-day period.
  • Frigid temps increase power demand while Army dams balance needs

    With frigid temperatures and near record-setting snow accumulation in some areas of the Pacific Northwest, Army dams responded by producing power to keep the lights and heat on. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has 21 dams in the Columbia and Willamette river basins that ramp up power production to keep the grid stable during high demands.
  • USACE monitoring releases at Schafer Dam and Tule River Spillway

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District is closely monitoring Schafer Dam and Lake
  • USACE monitoring Isabella Dam and Lake during heavy rains

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District is closely monitoring Isabella Dam and Lake in connection with the ongoing severe weather event.
  • USACE announces virtual LOSOM Project Delivery Team Meeting on March 15

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District announces a virtual Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM) Project Delivery Team (PDT) Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 15, from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. “The purpose of the March 15 PDT Meeting is to update the Project Delivery Team, partners, stakeholders and the public on a change to the LOSOM study schedule and to hold a listening session,” said LOSOM Project Manager Tim Gysan.
  • USACE resumes releases to St. Lucie Estuary

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District resumed releases at the Port Mayaca Lock and Dam (S-308) and the St. Lucie Lock and Dam at (S-80) this morning following a temporary closure at the Port Mayaca Lock and Dam on Monday, Feb. 27.