Tag: Norfolk District
  • Regulators focused on mission as Clean Water Act turns 40

    The Clean Water Act turns 40 today and, though opponents and supporters still debate the scope and effectiveness of the landmark legislation, employees of the regulatory branch here have a clear understanding of their mission. “It’s about being consistent and operating within the scope of our authorities,” said Col. Paul Olsen, Norfolk District commander. “It’s about balancing the nation’s passion to build with the needs of the environment.”
  • District one step closer to being accepted into OSHA program

    The Voluntary Protection Program uses performance-based criteria and requires extensive documentation in order to be in compliance. The program uses different models and tools to try and identify problematic areas so agencies can attempt to minimize and eliminate as many accidents as possible.
  • Gathright Dam ‘test pulse’ to increase Jackson River water flow

    State and federal agencies will use Gathright Dam near Covington, Va. to simulate a storm event on the Jackson River Oct. 3. The test pulse, conducted by the Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in cooperation with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality and the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, will begin at approximately 6 a.m. and peak at 3,500 cubic feet per second.
  • Revived program puts employees on track for leadership

    After 20 years, the U.S. Navy had taught Pam Reid-Szalanski a certain way to manage people. “In the military, as a manager, you direct your people to do something and it’s understood that it’s an order – it must be done,” she said. “Time for questions is later.” Reid-Szalanski is one of four who recently graduated from the Norfolk District’s Leadership Development Program – a curriculum she credits with perfecting the art of civilian management.
  • Stevenson wows district crowd at women’s event

    Kate Campbell Stevenson brought to life the lives of Abigail Adams, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Alice Paul, and other women suffragists through costumes and music for the districts Women’s Equality Day celebration held here August 22, 2012.
  • Langley's gate construction makes way for new visitor center

    LANGLEY AIR FORCE BASE, VA -- The second and final phase of gate construction here kicked off Monday.
  • Beach complete, infrastructure protected

    WALLOPS ISLAND, Va. – More than 3 million cubic yards of newly deposited sand is protecting the launch pads and critical infrastructure at NASA’s flight facility here.
  • Clean the Bay Day

    PORTSMOUTH, Va.— Armed with disposable gloves, large trash bags and a desire to make a difference,
  • Shannon receives Commander’s Award, recognition for IPET

    Brian Shannon, ERDC-TEC, recently received the Commander’s Award for Civilian Service and was also recognized by the Interagency Performance Evaluation Task (IPET) Force for his participation in USACE’s efforts to assess the performance of the Southeast Louisiana Hurricane Protection Project following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.