Tag: Park Ranger
  • A day in the life: Army Corps of Engineers park rangers are like Swiss Army knives

    A day in the life of a park ranger is not like working any ordinary job. Park rangers are constantly moving, patrolling federal waters and lands on boats and trucks.
  • A life with the critters: Former ‘tiger queen’ fulfills her love for animals with career as park ranger

    Karen Osler, a park ranger with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District, is an animal lover who owns and cares for 16 animals on her property in Connellsville, Pennsylvania.
  • Fort Worth District Park Rangers Come Together for Recognition, Training

    Park Rangers, lake managers and operations staff from the Fort Worth District came together in person and virtually at the Hidden Valley Sports Complex Community Resource & Recreation Center to recognize the year’s outstanding Park Rangers as well as teach the rookies and refresh the veterans on proper responses and procedures for a variety of situations they are faced with in their day to day.
  • Incredible women of Portland District

    Women play a vital role in developing the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and this great nation. They serve across all career paths in USACE, as leaders and supervisors, engineers and rangers, scientists, and administrators, to name a few. The progress made is astonishing when you consider that in 1903, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers employed just three female clerks and it wasn’t until World War II that two women broke into engineering positions within the Corps. Today, 26 percent of the Portland District workforce are women and while all positions in the Army are open to women, only 18 percent of the total Army is female. Those numbers reflect the progress we still need to make.
  • Webster named Nashville District Employee of the Month for November 2021

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Jan. 28, 2022) – A park ranger is being lauded for coordinating an important project to publicize and feature Center Hill Dam in a National Inventory of Dams video titled “Exploring Our Nation’s Dams.”
  • Tionesta Lake to host scarecrow scavenger hunt

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District will host a scarecrow scavenger hunt beginning Oct. 10 at Tionesta Lake.
  • Park rangers endure SPEARs and pepper spray to earn badge

    District park rangers who complete the Visitor Assistance course earn their park ranger badge and citation authority to enforce Title 36, which covers rules and regulations on federally owned parks and forests among other properties.
  • From Park Aide to Park Ranger

    For Jake Cordtz, it was never a question. The best place to work was the outside, and it was only a matter of time before he became a park ranger for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
  • Proctor Lake Ranger receives Water Safety Award

    A U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District, park ranger was recently selected as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Southwestern Division Water Safety employee of the year under the 2020 National Water Safety Program.
  • ‘He is focus and he’s freedom;’

    “I am 10th generation to serve,” Emily Klinefelter, Park Ranger with Lower Granite Natural Resource Office, said. “My grandmother filled my head with dreams about being a sailor. She served in WWII teaching young Americans and Russians how to use the anti-aircraft guns.”