
    Japan Engineer District observed Engineers Week in the company of friends with speeches, robotics, and a cake cutting in celebration of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and all engineers worldwide.
  • Student STEM Stars

    Col. Thomas J. Verell, Jr., U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Japan Engineer District’s commander, recognized the hard work and dedication of three Zama Middle High School students by presenting them each a commander’s coin and letter of recommendation for use in their future careers at JED Headquarters, Jan. 22.
  • JED STEM Reaffirmation

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Japan District renewed their commitment to the nation’s emerging scientists and engineers with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding uniting Japan Engineer District and Zama Middle High School at JED’s headquarters here Jan. 19.
  • Scholarship STEMS from love of engineering

    When it comes to supporting the future of science, technology, engineering and mathematics careers, the Middle East District’s Tom Stephenson puts his money where his mouth is by establishing a scholarship for students interested in STEM careers.
  • Despite COVID19, students’ thirst for learning continues

    For the very first time in a complete digital e-learning platform, students from kindergarten through 4th grades of Humphreys Central Elementary School (HCES) posted and shared videos of their experiments and exchanged live questions and answers with members of the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Far East District (FED) and 11th Engineer Battalion on their various Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) activities, May 29.
  • UNM students learn about working with USACE during Engineer Week

    Seven students from the University of New Mexico participated in an interactive briefing and panel discussion with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-Albuquerque District leaders at the district's headquarters office, Feb. 20, 2020.
  • Corps Engineers participate in West Point STEM event

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District representatives encouraged students to design and build bridges during a West Point Academy Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics event at Stephen M. White Middle School in Carson, California.
  • 4 reasons volunteering for science fairs pays big dividends

    There’s more to being a science fair judge than evaluating student projects. That’s what professionals at the U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville, continue to discover as they volunteer for science fairs and similar community outreach events.
  • Norfolk District and young scientists intersect during geotagging event

    Students and teachers from Norfolk Christian Lower School geoprocessed data with employees from Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to recognize GIS Day.
  • Corps technical experts prep freshmen for future STEM careers

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Nov. 15, 2019) –Technical experts from the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District interacted with students from across Nashville introducing Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) careers during the 11th annual My Future, My Way Career Exploration Fair at the Music City Convention Center Nov. 15.