News Stories

Tag: hydropower
  • March

    Finding a place at the Corps

    Finding the perfect career isn’t easy, but for Jeannette Wilson, becoming the operations project manager (OPM) at Lower Monumental Lock and Dam was like finding gold at the end of the rainbow.
  • December

    Hydropower to the people: Mathematician brings energy to new position

    In the wet world of hydropower, a former math teacher has just donned a watery mantle to meet the changing demands of one of the oldest sources of energy.
  • Video highlights water management in Cumberland River Basin

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Dec. 10, 2020) – The public is invited to watch a newly released video that highlights how water is managed in the Cumberland River Basin in support of flood risk management, commercial navigation, hydropower production, water supply, environmental stewardship, and recreational opportunities.
  • February

    Commentary: Engineers building strong legacy as pioneers of progress

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Feb. 26, 2020) – We just celebrated National Engineers Week and recognized Nashville District’s engineers as the region’s problem solvers, committed to serving a higher purpose, and building on a strong legacy as pioneers of progress.
  • June

    Corps mentors Tennessee State University STEM students at Summer Engineering Program

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (June 28, 2018) – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District has partnered with the Tennessee State University College of Engineering, Technology and Computer Science Department to mentor science, technology, engineering and math students during a four-week National Summer Transportation Institute program June 18 through June 28 on the campus of TSU.
  • May

    STEM students learn about engineering on dam tour

    OLD HICKORY, Tenn. (May 18, 2017) – A team of engineering professionals from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District recently welcomed area high school and college students for a Corps career overview and tour of the Old Hickory Lock and Dam in Hendersonville, Tenn.
  • April

    Hydropower experts generate information exchange in Music City

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (April 21, 2017) – More than 100 hydropower experts from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Tennessee Valley Authority, Southeastern Power Administration, and private power supply companies benefited from an exchange of information during the 40th Annual Joint Hydropower Conference April 19-20 at the Inn at Opryland.
  • March

    Going Green: Corps hydropower is clean, reliable, efficient, flexible, renewable and sustainable

    WALLA WALLA, Wash. -- In the Pacific Northwest, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers produces significant hydroelectric power for the nation at its dams on the Columbia and Snake rivers. Hydroelectric power is clean, reliable, efficient, flexible, renewable and sustainable. The Corps of Engineers is the Nation's largest producer of hydropower, and one of the largest in the world.

News Releases

Tag: hydropower
  • NR 20-030: Video highlights water management in Cumberland River Basin

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Dec. 10, 2020) – The public is invited to watch a newly released video that highlights how water is managed in the Cumberland River Basin in support of flood risk management, commercial navigation, hydropower production, water supply, environmental stewardship, and recreational opportunities.
  • Gavins Point Dam releases reduced to winter release rate

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers began reducing the Gavins Point releases to the winter release rate on Nov. 24, marking the end of flow support for the 2020 Missouri River navigation season. “Releases from Gavins Point Dam were reduced from 34,000 cubic feet per second to 17,000 cfs,” said John Remus, Chief of the Missouri River Water Management Division. “Releases from Gavins Point will be adjusted this winter as needed to lessen the impacts of river ice formation on water intakes in the lower river.” Based on the Sept. 1 System storage, Gavins Point Dam winter releases will be at least 17,000 cfs.
  • Gavins Point Dam releases to be reduced to winter release rate in late November

    In two virtual public meetings held Nov. 2, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Missouri River Water Management Division presented current hydrologic conditions and planned operation of the Missouri River mainstem reservoir system for the remainder of 2020. Public meetings are held each fall and spring to update the region on current conditions and planned operations. The Nov. 2 meetings included draft plans for operating the system during 2021.
  • Missouri River Water Management virtual public meetings set for Nov. 2

    The Missouri River Water Management Division invites the public to participate in one of two virtual public meetings scheduled for Nov. 2. The meetings will take place at 1:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. central time. Details for connecting to each webinar is posted to our website.
  • Corps updates stakeholders on Missouri River Mainstem System operations

    The US Army Corps of Engineers Missouri River Water Management Division hosted an update call on Thursday, Oct. 22, for Congressional representatives, Tribal, and state and local government officials, to include emergency managers, local levee sponsors and the media to discuss current conditions, and the projected operation of the mainstem reservoir system as part of the Draft Annual Operating Plan which was released in mid-September for public comment.
  • Below average runoff continues in the upper Missouri River basin

    September precipitation was well-below normal in the Missouri River Basin.  As a result, September runoff in the upper Missouri River Basin above Sioux City, Iowa was 69% of average.  Since January 1, precipitation in the upper Basin is well-below normal.  The National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center (CPC) is forecasting that below-normal precipitation will continue in October.  The 2020 calendar year runoff forecast for the upper Basin, updated on October 1, is 30.2 million acre-feet (MAF), 117% of average. Average annual runoff for the upper Basin is 25.8 MAF.
  • August inflows much below average in northern Missouri River Basin

    August precipitation was well-below normal in the Missouri River Basin, particularly in the western and far northern portions, which received less than 25% of normal precipitation. The lack of precipitation and dry soil conditions resulted in 74% of average August runoff in the Missouri River Basin above Sioux City, Iowa (upper Basin). The 2020 calendar year forecast for the upper Basin, updated on September 1, is 30.6 million acre-feet (MAF), 119% of average. Average annual runoff for the upper Basin is 25.8 MAF. Runoff in the upper Basin during the remainder of 2020 is forecast to be below average.
  • Gavins Point releases to remain steady through August

    Below-normal precipitation in Montana and Wyoming during July resulted in slightly below-average July runoff in the upper Basin. The 2020 calendar year upper basin runoff forecast, updated on August 3, is 30.9 million acre-feet (MAF), 120% of average. Average annual runoff for the upper basin is 25.8 MAF.
  • Federal agencies release final Columbia River System Operations environmental impact statement

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation and Bonneville Power Administration today released the Columbia River System Operations Final Environmental Impact Statement. The issuance of the final EIS is a substantial step toward accomplishment of a priority item of the Presidential Memorandum on Promoting the Reliable Supply and Delivery of Water in the West issued in October 2018.
  • ​Releases from Gavins Point Dam to decrease

    “The upper basin runoff forecast has been reduced by about 1 MAF due to the recent dry conditions as well as the National Weather Service’s climate outlook, which is indicating that the remainder of the summer will be warmer and drier than normal. However, the 2020 calendar year runoff forecast remains above average, mostly due to the very wet soil conditions during the early months of the year. Most of the mountain snowmelt runoff has entered the reservoir system. Remaining summer runoff will depend on rainfall events,” said John Remus, chief of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Missouri River Basin Water Management Division. “As a result of the reduced runoff forecast, we will reduce Gavins Point Dam releases to 30,000 cfs on July 7,” Remus added.

Institute for Water Resources

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Nov. 14, 2023 UPDATED

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