News Stories

  • August

    Parks and Recreation real-life mission for Omaha District

    OMAHA, Neb. - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, manages more 235 parks and recreation areas, over 400,000 acres of public lands, and more than one million acres of water surface areas.
  • May

    COVID 19: San Francisco District to open public boat ramp at Lake Sonoma May 16

    In accordance with a May 12, 2020 update to the Sonoma County Health Order, Lake Sonoma will start opening parts of the park for public use. The plan is to open the Public Boat Ramp and Marina for lake surface use on Saturday, May 16, 9 AM. The Visitor Center Parking lot will be open for vessel inspections only. At this time, all other recreation areas will remain closed.
  • Hydro Survey mission a key part of harbor operations

    The Brunswick and Savannah Harbors are essential to supporting the nation’s commerce. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Savannah District Hydro Survey section has responsibility for ensuring these and other waterways remain passable.
  • April

    Louisville District supports nationwide COVID-19 response

    As the nation endures the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is supporting FEMA, in coordination with other federal, state and local partners and playing a key role in the ongoing nationwide response efforts. USACE – known to engineer solutions for the nation’s toughest challenges – is constructing temporary alternate care facilities across the country to alleviate the burden on hospitals.
  • Corps Encourages Responsible Recreation for Earth Day

    Although the 50th anniversary of Earth Day is taking place during a worldwide pandemic, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District recreation sites still provide visitors an opportunity to enjoy nature responsibly.
  • Corps electric engineer ‘makes’ much needed shields

    It’s no secret our country is experiencing a shortage of face masks. Ever since this virus was declared a pandemic, even those working in hospitals can’t seem to get their hands on the very medical supplies they need to do their day-to-day job. Some hear of the shortage and scramble to get their hands on whatever masks they can find, but not Navigational Electrical Engineer Jeffrey Farmer and the nonprofit group he’s apart of called the “Midsouth Makers.”
  • Home Offices, Antique Cars and Cork Boards

    From the comfort of their own homes, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District staff are finding innovative ways to adapt and embrace the challenges of coronavirus. 
  • Social distancing, the MVM mission

    The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has several recommendations in place to try and stop the spread of this monstrous virus, to include such measures as wearing a face mask when out in public and practicing what has become mandated in many states: social distancing. While social distancing and other precautions are in place for the right reasons, they can unfortunately have a challenging impact on business operations. Especially difficult is when your employees cannot do their job behind a computer. So what do they do?
  • Engineers continue working through weekend to bring alternate care facility online

    A multidisciplinary team of Memphis District engineers spent the weekend preparing documents that outline the scope of work required to convert the Gateway Shopping Center on Jackson Avenue into a COVID-19 Alternate Care Facility (ACF).
  • Huntsville Center professionals working around the clock so assessment teams can hit the ground running

    U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville professionals work with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' geographic districts, FEMA and Health and Human Services to provide deliverables to assessment teams, including plans and specifications for the rapid conversion of hotels, dorms, convention centers and large arena-type facilities into alternate care facilities.

News Releases

  • Vicksburg District to reopen Jesse Brent Lower Mississippi River Museum June 14 with focus on COVID-19 safety measures

    VICKSBURG, Miss. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Vicksburg District will reopen the Jesse Brent Lower Mississippi River Museum in downtown Vicksburg, Mississippi, and incorporate preventative health measures beginning June 14.
  • Corps to Host Best Dam Graduation Ever

    The Warren Area High School’s Class of 2020 will drive, not walk, across a dam stage Friday, June 5, at 5:30 p.m. as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District hosts the pandemic-inspired commencement at Kinzua Dam.
  • Corps of Engineers announce phased reopening of campgrounds

    KANSAS CITY, Mo. - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District is planning a phased reopening of campsites and recreation areas closed due to COVID-19, to begin immediately. The decision to reopen each recreation area is based largely on the safety of the staff and visitors. Each lake is going through a conditions-based assessment to verify all staff can return to work safely and will have the proper personal protection equipment available. In addition, they are confirming the availability of contractors and staff who help operate and maintain the recreation areas and implementing operational changes to address COVID-19 concerns in campgrounds.
  • Corps to Open Select Facilities at Recreation Sites

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District is announcing that select facilities at district-managed sites will open Memorial Day weekend for the 2020 recreation season in alignment states’ guidelines.
  • Corps of Engineers to reopen its Savannah River recreation areas

    SAVANNAH, Ga. – Phased reopening of campgrounds and additional boat ramps at reservoirs owned and operated by the Army Corps of Engineers along the Savannah River will take place May 15 and May 18, 2020. Playgrounds, beaches, shelters and life jacket loaner stands will remain closed until further notice. Visitor centers at all three projects will remain closed to the public.
  • Louisville District campgrounds to remain closed until further notice

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District’s Corps-managed campgrounds in Kentucky will remain closed through at least May 31 in the interest of public safety due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While an official date for the reopening of campgrounds and day use areas has not yet been determined, effective today all campground reservations will be cancelled for the month of May.
  • Alternate Care Facility construction complete in Michigan

    DETROIT – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District, announces that construction is complete at Michigan’s second Alternate Care Facility at Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi. The facility is expected to begin accepting patients by the end of the week. The Suburban Collection Showplace Alternate Care Facility is one of the first in the Nation to be turned over to the state. Modeled after the TCF Regional Care Center in Detroit, construction included a triage area, patient support services such as showers and toilets, staff changing areas and administrative space, a command center and pharmacy. The 250,000 square foot conversion of the convention center into a medical facility with 250 bed spaces was originally designed to a capacity of up to 1,100 beds. “Engineering solutions to the Nation's toughest challenges is what we do,” said Lt. Col. Gregory Turner, commander, USACE, Detroit District. “We've worked closely with the State of Michigan to respond to the evolving situation in Michigan and to rapidly deliver projects to help our communities.”
  • USACE, NAVFAC Marianas partner to assess Guam sites for potential alternate care facilities

    In response to the spread of coronavirus in Guam, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Honolulu District and Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Marianas have combined efforts to perform seven initial planning and site assessments on Guam for potential conversion into alternate care facilities (ACFs). USACE is conducting technical planning and site assessments at Guam locations on mission assignment through FEMA, in partnership with the Department of Health and Human Services, and the government of Guam. Stringent COVID19 restrictions prevent USACE personnel travel throughout the Pacific region, so the Honolulu District requested direct assistance from NAVFAC Pacific and NAVFAC Marianas to provide engineering personnel support to accomplish the FEMA site assessment mission for Guam.
  • TCF Center Alternate Care Facility construction complete

    DETROIT – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District, announces that construction is complete at Michigan’s first Alternate Care Facility at TCF Center in Detroit. The facility will begin accepting patients April 10, 2020. The TCF Center Alternate Care Facility is one of the first in the Nation to be turned over to the state. Construction included triage area, patient support services such as showers and toilets, staff changing areas and administrative space, a command center and pharmacy. The 350,000 square foot conversion of the convention center into a medical facility with 970 bed spaces across two floors for COVID-19 patients took nine days. “I'm proud that the team was able to complete this mission and get help to the doctors and nurses on the front lines so quickly,” said Lt. Col. Gregory Turner, commander, USACE, Detroit District. “With this facility coming on line as supplies and staff pour into Michigan, I really expect that the TCF Center will be a beacon of hope for Detroit and the Nation.”
  • Huntington District to close additional day use recreational areas

    HUNTINGTON, W.Va. - In the interest of public safety due to COVID-19 concerns, and in accordance with Center for Disease Control recommendations, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Huntington District will be closing these additional Corps-managed day use recreational areas.

Institute for Water Resources

Pacific Ocean Division

District welcomes new tribal liaison
Nov. 14, 2023 UPDATED

South Pacific Division

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