News Stories

Tag: Alternate-Care-Sites
  • May

    Corps completes 100-bed alternate care facility in Kalispell, Montana

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, completed construction on an alternate care facility in Kalispell, Montana, May 24, two days earlier than required. The ACF also came in more than 10% under budget.
  • ERDC delivers augmented reality solutions in the fight against COVID-19

    Scientists and engineers at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) are using augmented reality technology to assist peers throughout the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) in virtually conducting site assessments of alternate care facilities (ACFs) across the country. Augmented reality technology, developed by researchers at the ERDC Information Technology Laboratory (ITL), offers a way for the USACE to assess potential ACF locations while assisting with social distancing and safety considerations.  
  • Army Corps Completes Construction of Alternate Care Facility at State University of New York College at Old Westbury, Long Island, N.Y.

    Construction of the alternate care facility at the State University of New York College at Old Westbury on Long Island to facilitate care for COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients was completed May 3.
  • April

    How an Army Reserve Engineer Supports COVID-19 Response Efforts in Wisconsin

    Lt. Col. Robert Mikyska, with the 647th Regional Support Group, activates in support of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer Chicago District construction of an Alternate Care Facility (ACF) at the Wisconsin State Fair Park and Exposition Center in West Allis, Wisconsin.
  • Chicago District protects workforce, remains fully operational during COVID-19 public health emergency

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District, is taking precautionary measures to protect its workforce, while also remaining fully operational during the COVID-19 public health emergency.
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers comes to the aid of hospitals

    To help New York State hospitals deal with this, Army Corps’ New York District volunteers are working 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  They are locating existing buildings that can be converted into these alternate care facilities and then they are designing and constructing them. 
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Turns Over 7 Alternate Care Sites Over the Weekend

    Between Friday, April 17 and Monday, April 20, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers finished seven alternate care sites in response to COVID-19. Together with the previous three completed locations, this brings the total to 10. This weekend the Corps of Engineers finished the Alaska Airlines Center in Anchorage, AK; Wisconsin State Fair Expo Center in West Allis, WI; Gibson Medical Center in Albuquerque, NM; Miyamura High School in Gallup, NM; and the Miami Beach Convention Center in Miami Beach, FL. The Corps of Engineers is turning over two sites today. They are the Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi, MI and Westchester County Center in White Plains, NY. 
  • Army Corps, Partners Construct Alternate Care Facility at State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island N.Y.

    The Alternate Care Facility is taking shape on the State University of New York at Stony Brook on Long Island to facilitate the care for COVID-19 patients. The Corps awarded the $101 million contract to build a 1,000-bed temporary hospital and part of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ efforts to support the Federal Emergency Management Agency response.
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Completes 3 Alternate Care Sites-April 13, 2020 Update)

    In the daily ACF roll up brief from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Javits Center in New York, NY; the TCF Center in Chicago and the Missouri ACF in Florissant, MO are all listed at 100% complete. Construction is underway on 18 additional locations for a total of 21 alternate care sites. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is working in support of the FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency - and in coordination with other federal, state, local and tribal partners – in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The latest facts and figures about our ongoing activities are contained in the following infographic (As of April 13).
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers building 17 alternate care sites in 8 states

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers building 17 alternate care sites in 8 states, including New York, California, Colorado, Michigan, New Mexico, Florida, Tennessee, and Illinois.

News Releases

Tag: Alternate-Care-Sites
  • General’s visit punctuates engineering efforts converting arena to alternate care site

    Brig. Gen. Thomas Tickner, commanding general of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) – Pacific Ocean Division, toured the Alaska Airlines Center on the University of Alaska Anchorage campus on Tuesday. A portion of the arena was converted into an alternate care site capable of treating coronavirus patients.
  • Corps of Engineers issues construction Notice to Proceed for COVID-19 Alternate Care Facility

    Working at the direction of the State of Tennessee and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Memphis District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) issued a “Notice to Proceed” for the conversion of the former Commercial Appeal building today, located at 495 Union Ave. in Memphis to a COVID-19 Alternate Care Facility (ACF). The overall contract was awarded to AECOM Technical Services of Los Angeles, California.
  • TCF Center Alternate Care Facility construction complete

    DETROIT – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District, announces that construction is complete at Michigan’s first Alternate Care Facility at TCF Center in Detroit. The facility will begin accepting patients April 10, 2020. The TCF Center Alternate Care Facility is one of the first in the Nation to be turned over to the state. Construction included triage area, patient support services such as showers and toilets, staff changing areas and administrative space, a command center and pharmacy. The 350,000 square foot conversion of the convention center into a medical facility with 970 bed spaces across two floors for COVID-19 patients took nine days. “I'm proud that the team was able to complete this mission and get help to the doctors and nurses on the front lines so quickly,” said Lt. Col. Gregory Turner, commander, USACE, Detroit District. “With this facility coming on line as supplies and staff pour into Michigan, I really expect that the TCF Center will be a beacon of hope for Detroit and the Nation.”
  • Army engineers Plan to Build Alternate Care Facility in Anchorage

    JOINT BASE ELMENDORF-RICHARDSON – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Alaska District will convert the Alaska Airlines Center near Providence Hospital into an alternate care facility for COVID-19 patients in Anchorage.
  • USACE supporting FEMA on state determined expansion of medical capacity starting in St. Louis area

    The Kansas City District, together with the St. Louis District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in support of FEMA and other federal agencies are working together to help the State of Missouri expand medical capacity, in case of a surge in COVID-19 patients in coming days and weeks.
  • Army Corps of Engineers Southwestern Division begins evaluating facilities across Oklahoma

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Southwestern Division announced today that their Tulsa District will begin providing planning and assessments for possible conversion of existing buildings into alternate-care-facilities in Oklahoma.
  • Buffalo District supports National response to COVID-19 pandemic

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District has been deploying field assessment teams tasked with evaluating existing facilities in New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania for the possible conversion into alternate care facilities as part of the nationwide federal, state and local effort to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Fort Worth District evaluates sites for use as alternate care facilities

    Fort Worth District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has assembled field assessment teams tasked with evaluating existing sites for the possible conversion into alternate-care-facilities in Texas. The Corps’ teams, at the request of FEMA and the State of Texas, are evaluating facilities across the state. They are working closely with FEMA, state and local partners to best facilitate a quick response should the need arise to have additional alternate-care-facilities constructed.
  • Army Corps of Engineers Southwestern Division begins evaluating facilities across Texas

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Southwestern Division announced today that their Fort Worth District will begin providing planning and assessments for possible conversion of existing buildings into alternate-care-sites in Texas.
  • Walla Walla District deploys 3 teams to Boise to prepare for COVID-19 impacts

    The Walla Walla District deployed three, two-person teams to Boise, Idaho, to support the state’s Office of Emergency Services and expand their ability to handle an expected increased patient load.

Institute for Water Resources

Pacific Ocean Division

District welcomes new tribal liaison
Nov. 14, 2023 UPDATED

South Pacific Division

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