Tag: history
  • ERDC team helps preserve history for Colorado’s Burgess-Capps Cabin

    With the help of an interdisciplinary team at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), the U.S. Air Force Academy Cultural Resources Management Office has plans for future rehabilitation and preservation of the historic Burgess-Capps Cabin in Colorado, keeping it standing for years to come.
  • Headwaters Highlights: Elizabeth Locks and Dam crews keep navigation afloat through one of the oldest locks in the Nation

    The quiet waters of the Monongahela River may experience some explosive rumblings next summer. One of the oldest navigation dams in the nation is planned to go out with a blast in Elizabeth, Pennsylvania, after more than a century of service to the region.
  • Capturing a Storied Past: Historical Photo Analysis Guides Restoration Work at World War II Site in Alaska

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Alaska District, in collaboration with the USACE Army Geospatial Center, is using historical photographic analysis to help determine the locations of structures, features and abandoned military munitions on Amaknak and Unalaska Islands.
  • The end of a long journey: a history of Lower Granite Lock and Dam

    It was early in the morning and a steam-powered paddleboat made its way up the lower Snake River, trimmed with colored flags. The date was June 19, 1975, and the mood was festive. The vessel was heading for Lower Granite Lock and Dam, whose pool had been raised just four months prior.
  • USACE Vicksburg District celebrates history, inducts distinguished employees on Founders’ Day

    VICKSBURG, Miss.-- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Vicksburg District celebrated Founders’ Day and 150 years of service to the nation by inducting distinguished employees at district headquarters today.
  • New commander assumes mission responsibility of Pittsburgh District

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District welcomed a new commander with the symbolic passing of the engineer flag during a ceremony at the Heinz History Center in Pittsburgh, Aug. 4, 2023.
  • Larger than life: A history of Dworshak Dam

    In May 1948, floodwaters on the Columbia River overtopped the cofferdam where construction was underway on McNary Lock and Dam. This flood, one of the largest on record, was one of many documented in the region since the mid-1880s. The propensity for flooding in the Northwest sparked much discussion about regional flood control.
  • Being All We Can Be – The Transatlantic Division’s 70+ year legacy remains an integral part of the U.S. Army's enduring story

    As the nation commemorates the U.S. Army's 248th birthday on June 14th, the Army Corps of Engineers stands as a strong pillar of support, reaffirming its indispensable role in fortifying the Army's mission. With a rich and storied history dating back to the Revolutionary War, the Army Corps of Engineers has steadfastly provided a strong foundation, showcasing its significance in diverse operations, infrastructure development, and disaster response efforts. The Army's enduring motto, "Be all you can be," resonates deeply with the Army Corps of Engineers and our collective commitment to Building Strong as we march forward to the shout of “Essayons! (Let us try).
  • Waiting in the wings: A history of Little Goose Lock and Dam

    By 1962, Ice Harbor Lock and Dam had been built and construction of the second lower Snake River dam, Lower Monumental, was being passed to the US Army Corps of Engineers Seattle District. The third dam in the queue was right on the heels of Lower Monumental, but construction could not begin until the details of its downstream neighbor were determined.
  • Officials break ground on K-25 Viewing Platform

    OAK RIDGE, Tenn. (May 11, 2023) – Officials broke ground today on a building that will provide a historic lookout over the footprint where the K-25 Building once stood and the Oak Ridge Diffusion Plant produced uranium during World War II as part of the Manhattan Project. Dignitaries welcomed guests, made speeches, and shoveled dirt to officially kick off construction of the K-25 Viewing Platform at East Tennessee Technology Park.