Tag: engineers
  • Aircraft Maintenance Hangar Groundbreaking Ceremony

    Commanders and dignitaries gathered at Wheeler Army Airfield to break ground on an
  • Pittsburgh District joins Duquesne University to form a stunning partnership

    Every organization says they are a learning organization, but the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has taken its quest for innovation to a stunning level. During the 2021 recreation season, experts from the Pittsburgh District began a partnership with Duquesne University’s biology department. The goal was to test water quality within Crooked Creek Lake’s watershed called an “electrofishing survey,” which the corps had not used before.
  • Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Acts provides more than $881.9 million in supplemental funding

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District released its Fiscal Year 2022 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) supplemental funding for Construction, Continuing Authorities Program, Environmental Infrastructure, and Operations and Maintenance, Jan. 20.
  • Hundreds attend Eagle Fest at Shenango River Lake

    As people’s schedules start calming down after the Christmas season, bird enthusiasts and nature lovers alike had the chance to come together at Shenango River Lake and learn about America’s avian rockstar: the bald eagle.
  • Corps upgrades Paden City’s wastewater treatment systems

    Ever had a problem with the septic tank in your yard? The cost to replace it, and consequences if you do not, can really stink – even more so when the problem is on a community-wide level. That is why the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District is partnering with Paden City to upgrade the sanitary sewer collection and treatment facilities in Tyler and Wetzel counties as part of a $2 million environmental infrastructure project.
  • Meet Our Team: Chicago Lock Operators

    Two of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Chicago District's best and brightest Chicago Lock operators: Richard Munoz Jr., and Justin Detert, discuss their careers with USACE, explain why they like what they do, and highlight facts about the lock.
  • Soldier with 1340th Engineer Combat Battalion remembered for series of WWII contributions

    Army Sgt. William Farrar landed with his engineer combat battalion on Omaha Beach on D-Day – June 6,
  • Using sunshine, plastic, and pollination to help the environment

    Can plastic help birds, bees, butterflies, and bass? It can, if the plastic is part of a process called solarization, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ staff at Mosquito Creek Lake are using it to improve the entire regional watershed.
  • Engineering community comes together in Omaha for SAME Industry Day

    The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Omaha District took part in the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) Omaha Post Industry Day event, Oct. 5 – 7, bringing together the national engineering community in Omaha, Nebraska. In alignment with the USACE mission to “solve this nation’s toughest engineering challenges”, the partnership with SAME unites public and private sector entities and individuals in the architecture, engineer, and construction fields so that they can prepare for and overcome natural and manmade disasters, acts of terrorism and improve security at home and abroad.
  • Corps to host virtual public scoping meeting on Mosquito Creek Lake Master Plan

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District is hosting a virtual public meeting to kick-off the Mosquito Creek Lake Master Plan revision. The corps is seeking public input about environmental and recreational topics to consider during the master plan revision process.