Tag: People
  • Partners and stakeholders join Kansas City District on annual Missouri River barge inspection

    A barge inspection of the Lower Missouri River Basin was held on Aug. 28, 2024, in Kansas City, Missouri. The annual event was hosted by the Kansas City District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The barge inspection is an opportunity for Missouri River partners and stakeholders to view various Kansas City District Civil Works projects on a segment of the river. Subject matter experts from the district were present to discuss the Missouri River Recovery Program, Operations and Maintenance for Navigation, the Lower Missouri River Basin studies and the Kansas Citys Levees Civil Works project. Guest speakers included the Missouri Department of Transportation and Water One.
  • Meet the Brazos River Floodgates Lockmaster

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Galveston District (SWG), has operated the Brazos River Floodgates since 1943. Located seven miles southwest of Freeport, Texas, the Brazos River Flood Gates (BRFG) have been instrumental in mitigating sediment deposits and aiding navigation at the intersection of the Brazos River and the Gulf Intercoastal Waterway for eight decades. The primary mission of BRFG Champions is to facilitate the safe navigation of commercial and recreation vessels through the Gulf Intracoastal Water Way (GIWW) and Brazos River interchange, which currently includes a 60-degree angle change from the West Gate and the East Gate. Jesse Deshotels has been the Brazos River Floodgates Lockmaster since 2022.
  • Ranger leads the way: Kansas City District park ranger a proponent of cashless fee system

    In the U.S. Army, they say “Rangers lead the way.” In the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, it’s often park rangers leading the way at our nation’s lake projects. At Rathbun Lake, located in southern Iowa, one park ranger is leading the way by being a proponent of the cashless fee system at the lake’s campgrounds and boat ramps. Since 2020, Ryan Vogt, natural resource specialist and park ranger at Rathbun Lake, has led the way in the Kansas City District for adopting a cashless fee system at both the lake project’s campgrounds and boat ramps. While many lake projects in the district’s area of responsibility have automated fee machines from which recreators can purchase recreation passes, Rathbun Lake is one of the first to have a cashless reservation system at its over 400 campsites.
  • Senior executive earns exclusive award through leadership during complex and challenging work

    Considering the massive size of the territory within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Northwestern Division footprint (14 states and 2,000 miles wide), it’s understandable that the organization faces considerable adversity when it comes to implementing its programs. The challenges can come in many forms: budget shortfalls, lawsuits, international treaty negotiations and staffing shortages.
  • Finding the spark: One Walla Walla native’s drive to become an electrical engineer

    Growing up, Eric Hedine loved science and pictured himself becoming a biologist. However, his plans shifted when he discovered electrical engineering.
  • Real property, real people: District real property accountability officer on making the most of her job

    April Coleman is no stranger to change. Growing up in a military family, Coleman was accustomed to changing environments. As a former Airman and military spouse, she’s continued to live a life full of change.
  • Davenport, Iowa, resident earns national Corps of Engineers award

    ST. PAUL, Minn. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Headquarters in Washington, D.C., selected Mark Cornish of Davenport, Iowa, as the recipient of its 2023 Civil Works Planning Excellence Award for his work on the Lock and Dam 22 Fish Passage project.
  • USACE Transatlantic Division Welcomes New Commander: Colonel Craig S. Baumgartner

    The United States Army Corps of Engineers Transatlantic Division proudly announces a change in leadership as Brigadier General William C. Hannan, Jr. officially hands over command to Colonel Craig S. Baumgartner. Baumgartner assumed duties as Commander of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Transatlantic Division, June 21. Although, he has been a crucial part of the division since August 2021, serving as the deputy commander. In this role, Baumgartner demonstrated exceptional leadership, dedication, and a deep understanding of the Transatlantic Division mission, making him the ideal choice to lead the command into the future.
  • Force multipliers: 51 Charlies benefit both USACE and U.S. Army

    Behind almost every project at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is at least one contracting action. Depending on the size of the project, there could be dozens. Behind every contract is a dedicated team of professionals ensuring contracts are prepared within federal regulation. Most of these contracting professionals are Department of the Army civilians. But a select few are active-duty military serving in USACE as contracting officers, also known as 51 Charlies.
  • From battlegrounds to playgrounds, Army Reserve Soldiers flex engineering muscles thanks to WRDA

    A new authorization in the Water Resources Development Act of 2022 grants permission to U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers to work on projects for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as part of their official training plans.