Tag: construction
  • Areas at Mill Creek Project closed due to construction

    WALLA WALLA, Wash. – Officials at Mill Creek and Bennington Lake have enacted targeted public safety closures due to the ongoing Russell Creek Canal rehabilitation project. The closures have affected the following areas, roads and trails:
  • USACE celebrates completion of maintenance hangar at Dover Air Force Base

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Philadelphia District joined elected officials and Dover Air Force Base officials on April 15 for a ribbon cutting ceremony to commemorate the completion of an aircraft maintenance hangar.
  • USACE, Chicago Harbor Lock Reopens for the 2024 Season After Winter Construction

    The Chicago Harbor Lock, operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), is open for vessel traffic as of April 15, marking the end of this phase of construction. The reinforced lock floor was completed last week and included replacing tile from the lock floor using reinforced concrete with micropiles along with dredging excess material. This was done by using dive teams and maintaining a 24/7 construction operation schedule.
  • Contract Award | Seepage Multiple Award Task Order Contract

    This project is a Multiple Award Task Order Contract (MATOC) for seepage projects throughout the Memphis District. Typical construction task orders may include seepage berm construction, relief well construction, and all associated tasks with each of these construction processes as designated in each contract. The work on each task order will consist of furnishing all plant, labor, and materials for the work to be performed.
  • Pittsburgh District: Research takes regular ‘Conk Creet’ to next level of cold weather construction

    Engineers have developed and tested concrete mixtures to overcome all kinds of environmental demands, but one construction category has evaded engineers for centuries until now: cold weather.
  • Headwaters Highlights: Surveyors measure a thousand times, take no shortcuts

    In the world of carpentry and construction, a famous proverb cautions laborers to "measure twice, cut once," but in the field of survey work, measuring twice is not enough.
  • Ecological Model to Evaluate Borrow Areas in the Lower Mississippi River

    Abstract: An aquatic analysis of constructing borrow areas adjacent to the main line levees in the Lower Mississippi River was conducted as part of an Environmental Impact Statement for upgrading the levee system. A Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) regression model based on field collections was developed to predict fish species richness as a function of the morphometry and water quality of borrow areas. The HSI score was multiplied by acres of borrow areas created during construction to obtain habitat units (HUs) for each alternative indicating a substantial gain of fishery habitat in the floodplain. Environmental features identified by the model to increase fish species richness and overall habitat heterogeneity include the shape of the pit (e.g., bowl-shaped with deep water rather than long rectangular with shallower water), the availability of littoral areas for fish spawning and rearing, using best management practices such as tree screens and bank stabilization to lower turbidity, adding islands, and creating sinuous shorelines. The project results in an overall gain in aquatic habitat by creating permanent or semi-permanent water bodies on the floodplain that our research indicates may be occupied by at least 75 species of fish contributing to the overall biodiversity of the lower Mississippi River.
  • Corps of Engineers awards two $2 million contracts for Auxiliary Lock Bulkhead Slot Installation at Lock and Dam 3 and 9

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, awarded two, $2 million contracts to Togiak Management Services LLC of Anchorage, Alaska, to construct bulkhead slots on the intermediate wall and river wall upstream of the miter gates in the auxiliary lock chamber at Lock and Dam 3 located in Welch, Minnesota, and Lock and Dam 9 located in Eastman, Wisconsin.
  • Nashville District helps deliver ‘Habitat for Humanity’ home to mail clerk

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Feb. 26, 2024) – Owning one’s own home has always been a part of the American dream. For Theo Caldwell, a native of Nashville, Tennessee, his dream of being a homeowner became a reality after being selected to receive a Habitat for Humanity home.
  • Boat ramp at Abiquiu Lake to temporarily close for construction

    The main boat ramp at Abiquiu Lake, N.M., is scheduled to temporarily close beginning the evening of Feb. 23 through March 1, 2024, due to construction.