Tag: training
  • Project office staff get hands-on training in safely relocating rattlesnakes

    Recently, staff from the district’s lake project offices learned what to do should unexpected and unwanted visitors show up while they are on the job – namely rattlesnakes.
  • Federal energy training session enhances Center’s third-party financing capabilities

    The workshop provided Huntsville Center Energy Division personnel with a tailored and comprehensive overview of energy and utility savings contracting authority and processes to equip attendees with information about Department of Energy resources available to develop and implement successful projects focused on the needs of its stakeholders.
  • Lasting Impressions: Kansas City District establishes district-wide Summer Student Intern Program

    As the school year winds down, many college students will be focused on finals and making plans for the summer. For those looking for professional experience in the form of a summer internship, there are seemingly endless options available. The difficult choice may not be if they should do a summer internship, but where and with whom. The Kansas City District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers hopes to attract some of these students with its newly established Summer Student Intern Program. There are separate intern programs within the Kansas City District, and although there have been summer interns in the past, 2023 will be the first year the program is district-wide. Previously, each division or section in the district oversaw their own summer intern program. Now, the program will be standardized so that all student interns have a similar experience.
  • NAD commander signs updated AMIE program management plan

    The North Atlantic Division signed an updated program management plan April 6 with Advancing Minorities’ Interest in Engineering.
  • Setting the standard: Kansas City District recommits to delivering quality

    Since its inception, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, or USACE, has worked hard to solidify itself as a trusted federal partner who engineers quality projects for the nation. Within the organization, a select few districts have taken the commitment to quality a step further. The Kansas City District is one district that puts quality above all else. One way the Kansas City District ensures quality remains at the forefront is by providing district-wide training. Leadership at the district required all Kansas City District employees to attend the Project Delivery Business Program, or PDBP, training during the first quarter of 2023.
  • Levee Safety and Emergency Management collaborate to provide flood fight training to City of Frankfort

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District Emergency Management personnel provided flood fight training to members of the City of Frankfort Street Division, Feb. 9, 2023, in Frankfort, Kentucky.
  • 24-Hr USACE course harnesses the power of fall protection training

    Stating a “safety first” philosophy is easy enough for organizations, but it takes deeds to save
  • Pittsburgh emergency team leads national response to restore emergency power across US

    No matter what kind of or where a natural disaster might strike in the United States if a community loses electricity in a crisis, there is only one district within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers tasked by the Federal Emergency Management Agency to coordinate emergency power.
  • Annual Natural Resource Workshop: a chance for education and collaboration

    For the first time since 2019, the rangers and natural resource specialists from all 18 Kansas City District lake projects and the Kansas City District Headquarters management were able to gather in person for the annual Natural Resource Management Workshop in Bolivar, Missouri. The Kansas City District has lake and river projects in four states: Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa. With such a widespread area of responsibility, it is not always easy for park managers and rangers to meet one another. This four-day annual workshop allowed for the rangers to have their required continuing education on natural resource management, visitor assistance, visit projects close to the workshop and network with other rangers
  • Huntsville Center aviation safety course improves USACE aviation mission

    Aviators from across the country attended a Small Unmanned Aircraft Safety Qualification Course (SUASQC) at the U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville October 28.