Tag: corps
  • Celebrating Black History Month

    Every February, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District joins the nation to observe and reflect on the tremendous contributions that African Americans have made to our country and our history. As 2022’s Black History Month ends, we took time to talk with some of our people and ask them about their experiences and perspectives that both empowered and shaped them. Although only three Black voices were interviewed, Black History Month is an opportunity for the corps to share some of our employees’ perspectives on Black history and what it means to them.
  • Corps resumes Lake Traverse releases

    ST. PAUL, Minn. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, will increase releases at Reservation Dam at Lake Traverse, near Wheaton, Minnesota, beginning Feb. 16, and at White Rock Dam at Mud Lake, near Wheaton, Minnesota, beginning Feb. 17.
  • If you do what you love

    “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.” Whether it was Marc Anthony or inspired by Confucius, the quote has existed for centuries but is still true today. This Valentine’s Day, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District highlights some of our employees who do what they love while accomplishing critical roles that deliver the district’s mission to the nation. We asked them about their childhood hobbies and interests and how those passions grew into careers.
  • Corps urges extreme caution downstream of Lock and Dam 8

    ST. PAUL, Minn. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, is urging extreme caution downstream of Lock and Dam 8 in Genoa, Wisconsin, the week of Feb. 7. There will be an abundance of ice being released and subsequent open water and/or thin ice, causing possible safety concerns for anyone on the ice downstream.
  • Pittsburgh District joins Duquesne University to form a stunning partnership

    Every organization says they are a learning organization, but the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has taken its quest for innovation to a stunning level. During the 2021 recreation season, experts from the Pittsburgh District began a partnership with Duquesne University’s biology department. The goal was to test water quality within Crooked Creek Lake’s watershed called an “electrofishing survey,” which the corps had not used before.
  • Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Acts provides more than $881.9 million in supplemental funding

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District released its Fiscal Year 2022 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) supplemental funding for Construction, Continuing Authorities Program, Environmental Infrastructure, and Operations and Maintenance, Jan. 20.
  • Corps of Engineers increasing outflow from Baldhill Dam

    ST. PAUL, Minn. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, is increasing outflow from Baldhill Dam located near Valley City, North Dakota, to lower Lake Ashtabula before spring runoff.
  • Hundreds attend Eagle Fest at Shenango River Lake

    As people’s schedules start calming down after the Christmas season, bird enthusiasts and nature lovers alike had the chance to come together at Shenango River Lake and learn about America’s avian rockstar: the bald eagle.
  • Corps upgrades Paden City’s wastewater treatment systems

    Ever had a problem with the septic tank in your yard? The cost to replace it, and consequences if you do not, can really stink – even more so when the problem is on a community-wide level. That is why the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District is partnering with Paden City to upgrade the sanitary sewer collection and treatment facilities in Tyler and Wetzel counties as part of a $2 million environmental infrastructure project.
  • Fall 2021 Crosscurrents

    The Fall 2021 issue of Crosscurrents, the district's newsletter, is now available here: