Tag: Burnsville Lake
  • Saving Lives is Fun at Burnsville Lake!

    Saving Lives is Fun at Burnsville Lake! On Friday, July 28th Burnsville Lake, US Army Corps of Engineers and Bobber the Water Safety hosted a Water Safety Event that was fun and educational for all ages!
  • Riffle Run Day Use Area Launch Ramp Now Open

    HUNTINGTON, Wv. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Huntington District announces that the Boat Launch Ramp located in the Riffle Run Day Use Area has now reopened.
  • Operational Changes to Riffle Run Campground, Burnsville Lake

    HUNTINGTON, W.Va. – Changes will be made to the operational procedures for Riffle Run Campground at Burnsville Lake. The campground will be implementing a reservation system known as, allowing customers to make advanced reservations for peak season dates. The traditional first come first serve procedure will remain as is for non-peak season dates. The reservation system will only accept credit/debit cards.
  • Burnsville Lake, Riffle Run Day Use Area Launch will be CLOSED for Dredging

    BURNSVILLE, W.VA. – Starting, Monday, March 6, 2023, the Boat Launch Ramp located in the Riffle Run Day Use Area will be closed to begin dredging, once the job is completed we will announce the reopening. The Corps will work with the West Virginia Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to dredge the Riffle Run Day Use Area Boat Launch Ramp located behind the Burnsville Dam. Once the dredging is completed, fishermen will be able to launch fishing boats at the Riffle Run Day Use Area Boat Launch.
  • Burnsville Lake Cleanup

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Burnsville Lake is committed to keeping the lake clean and safe. This winter, Maintenance Mechanic Jason Meadows, along with employees of the maintenance contractor, Misfit Landscaping, tackled the major task of removing debris from the lake while the water level was at winter pool. The Burnsville Lake crew removes drift every year, but this cleanup was extremely needed.
  • Burnsville Lake Day-Use Fee Collection Resumes May 16

    HUNTINGTON, W.Va. – Collection of day-use fees will resume at Burnsville Lake on Monday, May 16, 2022. The fee amount will remain the same as in the past. However, we will only accept credit card payments going forward - no cash will be collected or accepted.
  • Christmas Parade

    Big things come in small packages, and that adage couldn’t of rang truer than on Saturday night when the city of Glenville hosted its Annual Christmas Parade downtown. Old Saint Nick headlined the event, but asked his close pal, “Bobber the Water Safety Dog” to participate in providing the children of Glenville an exciting evening of colorful lights, festive costumes and lots and lots of candy!
  • National Public Lands Day

    The Burnsville Lake team came together on September 23rd and 24th to plant 45 trees in Bulltown Campground in honor of National Public Lands Day. This day was established in 1994 and held annually on the fourth Saturday in September. The main goal behind this day is to promote connection between people and nature, inspire environmental stewardship, and encourage use of open space for education, recreation, and health benefits.
  • “Bobber’s” Birthday

    On Saturday September 4th the Friends of Burnsville Lake sponsored “Bobber’s” Birthday at Bulltown Campground. The event was filled with fun and entertainment for the whole family, kids even got to have Cupcakes with Bobber! The evening ended with live music from the band Restless!