The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District is seeking public feedback regarding proposed changes to the Crooked Creek Lake Master Plan based on public input collected in November 2019. The master plan update will affect the future management and use of natural resources and recreational activities at the lake for the next 25 years.
WHO: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District.
WHAT: The district is announcing a public comment period in order to gather feedback on the proposed changes to the Crooked Creek Lake Master Plan.
WHEN: The comment period is currently open and will close Dec. 4, 2020.
WHERE: The public can review and comment on the revised master plan and associated environmental assessment documents via the Crooked Creek Lake website: https://www.lrp.usace.army.mil/Missions/Recreation/Lakes/Crooked-Creek-Lake/Crooked-Creek-Master-Plan/.
The documents are also available at the Crooked Creek Lake Resource Manager’s Office, 114 Park Main Road, Ford City, PA 16226 and at the Ford City Library, 1136 4th Avenue, Ford City, PA 16226.
Comments can be submitted by email to Heather.L.Wood@usace.army.mil or mailed to Crooked Creek Lake, 114 Park Main Road, Ford City, PA 16226-8815.
WHY: Corps regulations require master plans to be periodically reviewed to ensure they meet public and environmental needs. The master plan guides the use of government-owned and leased lands around the lake. Community input is critical to the master plan updates and will affect the management and usage of corps facilities for the next 25 years.
Media can contact the Public Affairs office at CELRP-PA@usace.army.mil.
FOLLOW the Pittsburgh District: Twitter, Facebook and Flickr.
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Release no. 20-144