YANKTON, S.D. -- The maintenance will require water to flow from a single gate several times a day for 10-15 minutes at a time, and instances will vary daily. In addition, beginning Oct.19, work on generators will create the need to open spillway gates to maintain water flow to the Missouri River. During the generator maintenance, which includes replacing seals and upgrading an electronic control, the spillway gates will remain open 24 hours a day.
During the gate inspections, which will take place each week Monday – Thursday, the disruption to anglers below the spillway will be minimal. Though the gates will only be opened 10-15 minutes at a time and only enough to flush mud and debris from the gate, the water conditions below the open gate will be hazardous. During spillway flows, all vessels are required to move away from the gate that is open and spilling water.
“Remember that your safety is our concern but your responsibility. Play it safe on the river during paddlefish season”, said Karla Zeutenhorst, park ranger, Gavins Point Dam.
Beginning Oct. 19, when upgrades are scheduled for generators, multiple spillway gates will remain open 24 hours a day. This will likely continue through December. During this period, all vessels will be required to stay downstream of the restriction signs located on the north and south shoreline of the Missouri River.
Release no. 20-144