Overview PL 84-99 ESF Support to DoD Active Events Hurricane Models

National Preparedness Program

Public Law 84-99The National Emergency Preparedness Program (NEPP)
Operations & Maintenance appropriation, category (500), provides funding for NEPP authorized activities.  The following NEPP funding classes are budgeted annually:


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Disaster Preparedness Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP)

COOP planning focuses on development of the capability for emergency relocation and reconsititution of a USACE (CONUS to include Alaska and Hawaii) activity rendered unusable as a result of either a natural or man-made disaster/event.  The COOP plan is the Commander’s plan of how the command will operate while reconstituting after an event.  The EM office is NOT the overall owner of a Commander’s COOP Plan.  Activities include: identifying specific requirements associated with USACE relocation/reconstitution missions, analyzing resources, establishing organizational and operational procedures, and preparing and publishing contingency plans.  Planning items should include, but are not limited to: command succession, communications, and identification of an Emergency Relocation Facility (ERF).

Emergency Operations Catastrophic Disaster Response Planning

This applies to scenario-specific planning activities of national significance (i.e. hurricanes, earthquakes, terrorist attacks, etc.) as well as Port Readiness working groups.  Port Readiness is a requirement at some Divisions and Districts where the EM office is a member of a stakeholder working group that meets on a scheduled basis to discuss issues related to a specific port and how USACE can participate from an emergency stand-point.

The Rehabilitation Program Emergency Operations Center Support (USACE Divisions Only)

This generally applies to those activities associated with the operation and maintenance of EOC facilities and associated office space for Division Offices.

Additionally NEPP includes the following classes that are executed under out-of-budget cycle funding requests:
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Drought Assistance Continuity of Government

This applies to plans to support Federal, State, and local agencies in their efforts to re-establish civil authority lost as a result of a catastrophic natural or man-made disaster.  This is applicable to HQUSACE only and is not an annually budgeted item.

Advance Measures Emergency Water Program

This applies to requirements of Executive Order 12656 and is applicable to Headquarters, USACE only.  This is not an annually budgeted item.

  Emergency Water Assistance Due to Contaminated Water Source Catastrophic Disaster Training, Exercises, and Corrective Action

Typical training and exercise events could include COOP and catastrophic disaster exercises and training that a District or Division may need.  This can also be used for training and exercise related to Port Readiness, for EM personnel only, on a very limited scale.