National Research Council

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers engages the National Research Council of the National Academies for advice and research in Water Resources issues on an ongoing basis.  This page lists a number of key products and activities.

Standing Panel:  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Water Resources Science, Engineering, and Planning

Division on Earth and Life Studies, Water Science and Technology Board

This committee will provide advice to the Corps of Engineers on a range of scientific, engineering, and water resources planning issues through periodic reports.  Through its reports, the committee will provide advice to the Corps on agency practices that are valid or that should be revised, and help the Corps anticipate and prepare for emerging water resources planning challenges.   (Project information, committee membership, meetings and reports are posted on the NRC site at link above).

Improving Principles and Guidelines for Water Resources Planning by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 

Division on Earth and Life Studies, Water Science and Technology Board

This study will advise the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) on proposed revisions to the federal Principles and Guidelines (P&G). Originally, this project was part of response to a 2007 congressional mandate to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to revise the federal Principles and Guidelines. The P&G document contains the basis for federal water resources project planning. (Project information, committee membership, meetings and reports are posted on the NRC site at link above).


Collapse All Expand All
Expand List item 304Collapse List item 304  Florida Everglades
Expand List item 305Collapse List item 305  Gulf Coast
Expand List item 303Collapse List item 303  Missouri River System
Expand List item 306Collapse List item 306  Other USACE-sponsored Publications
Expand List item 300Collapse List item 300  Standing Committee
Expand List item 301Collapse List item 301  Studies
Expand List item 302Collapse List item 302  Upper Mississippi River - Illinois Waterway System