US Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Headquarters Website

WRRDA 2014 Implementation Guidance

To view specific guidance on each section of WRRDA 2014, click on the hyperlinked provision.
If the provision is not hyperlinked, guidance is in the process of being developed.
1001 Vertical integration and acceleration of studies   Interim Report to Congress
1002 Consolidation of studies  Amends Section 905 of WRDA 1986
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Reports to Congress on Feasibility Study Milestones
1003 Expedited Completion of Reports    
1004 Removal of Duplicative Analyses
Traverse City Harbor, Traverse City, Michigan
1005 (a)(1) [a-k] and [n-o] Project acceleration: 2045 (a)-(k) and (n)-(o) of WRDA 2007 as amended Modifies Section 2045 of WRDA 2007 (33 USC 2348)  
1005 (a)(1)  [l] Project acceleration: 2045 (l) of WRDA 2007 as amended - Categorical Exclusions Amends Section 2045 (I) of WRDA 2007  
1005 (a)(1)  [m] Project acceleration: 2045 (m) of WRDA 2007 as amended - GAO Report     
 1005 (b) Categorical Exclusions in emergencies    
1006 Expediting the evaluation and processing of permits    
1006 (1) GAO Report.  Section 214(a)(5) of WRDA 2000, as amended    
1007 Expediting approval of modifications and alterations of projects by non-Federal interests    
1008 Expediting hydropower at Corps of Engineers facilities    
1009 Enhanced use of electronic commerce in Federal procurement    
1010 Determination of project completion    
1011 Prioritization    
1012 (a) Transparency in accounting and administrative expenses    
1012 (b) National Academy of Public Administration    
1013 Evaluation of Project Partnership Agreements    
1014 (a) Studies of water resources development projects by non-Federal interest Amends Section 203 of WRDA 1986  
1014 (b) Construction of water resources development projects by non-federal interests     
1014 (b)
204 (f)
Assumption of Maintenance Amends Section 204 (f) of WRDA 1986
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1015 Contributions by non-Federal interests Amends the Contributed Funds Authority (33 U.S.C. 701h)  
1016 Operation and maintenance of certain projects    
1017 Acceptance of contributed funds to increase lock operations    
1018 Credit for in-kind contributions    
1019 Clarification of in-kind credit authority Amends Section 7007 of WRDA 2007  
1020 Transfer of excess credit    
1021 Crediting authority for federally authorized navigation projects    
1022 Credit in lieu of reimbursement    
1023 Additional contributions by non-Federal interests Amends Section 902 of WRDA 1986
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1024 Authority to accept and use materials and services    
1025 Water resources projects on Federal land    
1026 Clarification of impacts to other Federal facilities    
1027 Clarification of munition disposal authorities    
1028 Clarification of mitigation authority    
1029 Clarification of interagency support authorities    
1030 Continuing authority Section 1030 (d) of WRRDA 2014 amends Section 2037 of WRDA 2007, which amended Section 204 of WRDA 1992 (Section link not available)  
1031 (a) Tribal partnership program    
1031 (b) Cooperative agreements with Indian tribes    
1032 Territories of the United States Amends Section 1156 of WRDA 1986 (33 U.S.C. 2310)
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1033 Corrosion prevention    
1034 Advanced modeling technologies   Engineering and Construction Bulletin No. 2016-3
1035 Recreational access    
1036 Non-Federal plans to provide additional flood risk reduction    
1037 (a) HSDR Extension of period of nourishment Amends Section 156 of WRDA 1976 (42 U.S.C. 1962d-5f)
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1037 (a)(2) HSDR  Special Rule Amends Section 156 of WRDA 1976 (42 U.S.C. 1962d-5f)
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1037 (b) Hurricane and storm damage reduction review of projects    
1038 Reduction of Federal costs for hurricane and storm damage reduction projects Section 1038 (2) of WRRDA 2014 amends Section 204 (d) of WRDA 1992 (33 U.S.C. 2326)
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1039 (a)(1) Invasive Species - Aquatic Species Review    
1039 (a)(2) Invasive Species - Federal Investments    
1039 (b) Invasive Species - Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention    
1039 (c) Invasive Species - Prevention, Great Lakes and Mississippi River Basin    
1039 (d) Invasive Species - Prevention and Management    
1040 Fish and wildlife mitigation    
1041 Mitigation status report Amends Section 2036 (b) of WRDA 2007  
1042 Reports to Congress    
1043 (b) Non-Federal Implementation Pilot Program   Report to Congress, Jan 2020
1044 Independent peer review Amends Section 2034 of WRDA 2007 (33 U.S.C. 2343)  
1045 Report on surface elevations at drought affected lakes    
1046 (a)(2)(A) Reservoir operations and water supply (Assessment of Water Supply in Arid Regions)    
1046 (a)(2)(B) Updated Report on Operating Purposes of Corps Reports    
1046 (a)(3) GAO Report to Congress    
1046 (a)(4) Interagency Cooperative Agreements    
1046 (a)(5) Funding    
1046 (b) Improving Planning and Administration of Water Supply Storage    
1046 (c) Surplus Water Storage    
1046 (d) Future Water Supply Amends the Water Supply Act of 1958 (43 U.S.C. 390b)  
1047 (a) Special use permits    
 1047 (b) Special use permits - Cooperative management    
 1047 (c) Special use permits - Use of funds    
 1047 (d) Special use permits - Services of volunteers    
 1047 (e) Special use permits - Training and educational activities Amends Section 213 (a) of WRDA 2000
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1048 America the Beautiful National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass program    
1049 Applicability of spill prevention, control, and countermeasure rule    
1050 (a) Donald G. Waldon, Lock & Dam    
1050 (b) Redesignation of Lower Mississippi River Museum Riverfront Interpretative Site    
1050 (c) Jerry Costello Lock and Dam    
1051 Interstate water agreements and compacts    
1052 Sense of Congress regarding water resources development bills    
2001 Definitions    
2002 (d) Project Delivery Process Reforms, Inland Waterways Users Board Amends section 302 of WRDA 1986 (33 U.S.C. 2251)
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2003 Efficiency of revenue collection    
2004 (a) Inland Waterways Construction Bonds Study    
2004 (b) Potential Revenue Sources For Inland and Intracoastal Waterways Infrastructure    
2005 Inland Waterways Stakeholder Roundtable    
2006 Preserving the Inland Waterway Trust Fund (Olmsted)    
2007 (a) Inland waterways oversight    
2007 (b) Annual Financial Review    
2007 (c) GAO Report    
2008 Assessment of operation and maintenance needs of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway and the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway    
2009 Inland waterways riverbank stabilization    
2010 Upper Mississippi River Protection    
2011 Corps of Engineers lock and dam energy development Amends Section 1117 of WRDA 1986
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2012 Restricted areas at Corps of Engineers dams    
2013 Operation and maintenance of fuel taxed inland waterways    
2101 Funding for harbor maintenance programs    
2102 Operation and maintenance of harbor projects    
2102 (a) 

Operation and maintenance of harbor projects (General) 

Implementation guidance for Section 2102 of WRRDA 2014 integrates the amendment from Section 1103 of 2016.  
2103 Consolidation of deep draft navigation expertise    
2104 Remote and subsistence harbors Amends Section 2006 of WRDA 2007  
2105 Arctic deep draft port development partnerships    
2106 Additional measures at donor ports and energy transfer ports    
2107 Preserving United States harbors    
3001 Dam Safety    
3011 Systemwide improvement framework    
3012 Management of flood risk reduction projects    
3013 Vegetation management policy    
3014 Levee certifications    
3015 Planning assistance to States Further amends Section 22 of WRDA 1974 (Section link not available), which was previously amended by Section 2013 of WRDA 2007  
3016 Levee safety    
3017 Rehabilitation of existing levees    
3021 Use of innovative materials Further amends Section 8(d) of WRDA 1988 (33 U.S.C. 2314), which was previously amended by section 503(b)
of WRDA 1999 Section links not available
3022 Durability, sustainability, and resilience    
3023 Study on risk reduction    
3024 Management of flood, drought, and storm damage    
3025 Post-disaster watershed assessments    
3026 Hurricane and storm damage reduction study    
3027 Emergency communication of risk    
3028 Safety assurance review Amends Section 2035 of WRDA 2007
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3029 (a) Emergency Response to Natural Disasters    
3029 (b)  Review of Emergency Response Authorities     
3029 (c)  Reports     
4001 River basin commissions Amends Section 5019 of WRDA 2007
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4002 (a) Mississippi River Forecasting Improvements    
4002 (b)  Middle Mississippi River Pilot Porgram    
4002 (c) Greater Mississippi River Basin Severe Flooding and Drought Management    
4002 (d) Flexibility in Maintaining Navigation    
4003 (a) Missouri River  Basin Flood and Drought Monitoring    
4003 (b) Missouri River Between Fort Peck Montana and Gavins Point Dam, SD    
4003 (c) Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee Expenses Reimbursement Amends Section 5018(b)(5) of WRDA 2007 (121 STAT. 1200)  
4003 (d) Upper Missouri River Shoreline Stabilization    
4003 (e) Missouri River Fish and Wildlife Mitigation    
4003 (f) Lower Yellowstone Amends Section 3109 of WRDA 2007  
4004 Arkansas River    
4005 Columbia River    
4006 Rio Grande Amends Section 5056 of WRDA 2007  
4007 Northern Rockies headwaters    
4008 Rural Western water    
4009 North Atlantic Coastal Region    
4010 (a) Chesapeake Bay, General Further amends Section 510 of WRDA 1996, which was previously amended by Section 5020 of WRDA 2007
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 4010 (b) Chesapeake Bay Oyster Restoration Further amends Section 704(b) of WRDA 1986, which was previously amended by Section 5021 of WRDA 2007, Section 342 of WRDA 2000, and Section 505 of WRDA 1996 (Section links not available)  
4011 Louisiana coastal area Amends Section 7002(c) and 7006(a)(2) of WRDA 2007  
4012 Red River Basin    
4013 (a) Raritan River    
4013 (b) Des moines, Boone and Racoon Rivers    
4013 (c) South Florida Coastal Area    
4013 (d) Trinity River and Tributaries (Technical corrections) Amends Section 5141(a) (2) of WRDA of 2007 (121 Stat. 1253)  
4013 (e) Central and Southern Florida Canal (Technical corrections) Amends Section 316(b)(2) of WRDA 1996
(Public Law 104-303)
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4013 (f) South Platte River Watershed    
4013 (g) Potomac River  (Technical corrections) Amends Section 84 of WRDA 1974
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4014 Ocean and coastal resiliency    
5001 General authority for capitalization grants    
5002 Capitalization grant agreements    
5003 Water pollution control revolving loan funds    
5004 Requirements    
5005 Report on the allotment of funds    
5006 Effective date    
5011 Watershed pilot projects    
5012 Definition of treatment works    
5013 Funding for Indian programs    
5014 Water infrastructure public-private partnership pilot program    
5021 Short title    
5022 Definitions    
5023 Innovative Financing Pilot Projects:  Authority to provide assistance    
5024-5033 Innovative Financing Pilot Projects: Applications, eligible entities, projects eligible for assistance, activities eligible for assistance, and determination of eligibility and project selection    
5034 (a) Innovative Fianancing Pilot Projects:  Agency Reporting    
 5034 (b) Innovative Financing Pilot Projects: Reports to Congress    
5035 Requirements    
6001 Deauthorization of inactive projects Amends Section 1001 (b) of WRDA 1986 (33 U.S.C. 579a(b))
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6002 Review of Corps of Engineers assets    
6003 Backlog prevention Amends Section 1001 (b) of WRDA 1986 (33 U.S.C. 579a(b))
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6004 a (1) Walnut Creek (Pacheco Creek) CA    
6004 a (2) Walnut Creek (San Ramon Creek) CA    
6004 a (3) Eightmile River, Connecticut    
6004 a (4) Hillsborough (Hillsboro) Bay and River, Florida    
6004 a (5) Kahului Wastewater Reclamation Facility, Maui, Hawaii    
6004 a (6) Lucan Berg Pit, Illinois    
6004 a (7) Deauthorization. Port of Iberia, Louisiana Modifies project authorized by section 1001 (25) of WRDA 2007  
6004 a (8) Rockland Harbor, Maine    
6004 a (9) Thomaston Harbor, Georges River, Maine    
6004 a (10) Corsica River, Queen Anne's County, Maryland    
6004 a (11) Goose Creek, Somerset County, Maryland    
6004 a (12) Lower Thoroughfare, Deal Island, Maryland    
6004 a (13) Gloucester harbor and Annisquam River, Massachusetts    
6004 a (14) Clatsop County Diking District No 10, Kaarlson Island, Oregon    
6004 a (15) Numberg Dike No 34 Leveed Area, Clatsop County Diking District No 13, Clatsop County, Oregon, Walluski-Youngs    
6004 a (16) Easat Fork of Trinity River, Texas    
6004 a (17) Burnham, Canal Wisconsin    
6004 a (18) Manitowoc Harbor, Wisconsin    
6004 b Seward Waterfront, Seward, Alaska    
6004 c Port of Hood River, Oregon    
6005 (a) Oakland Inner harbor Tidal Canal, CA    
6005 (b) St. Charles County, Missouri Land Exchange    
6005 (c) Tulsa Port of Catoosa, Rogers County, Oklahoma Land Exchange    
6005 (d) Hammond Boat Basin, Warrenton, Oregon    
6005 (e) Craney Island Dredged Material Management Area    
6005 (f) City of Aasotin, Washington    
6005 (g) Generally Applicable Provisions    
6005 (h) Release of Use Restrictions    
7001 Annual report to congress   Reports to Congress on Future Water Resources Development
7002 Authorization of final feasibility studies    
7003 Authorization of project modifications recommended by the Secretary    
7004 Expedited consideration in the House and Senate