Tag: salmon
  • Corps seeks comments on draft EA for adaptively managing predation on Caspian terns

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers seeks comments on a draft Environmental Assessment for adaptively managing predation on Caspian terns in the Lower Columbia River Estuary.
  • Going Green: Restoring salmon to an urban park

    PORTLAND, Ore. -- Crystal Springs Creek is one of thousands of small streams flowing through the Pacific Northwest. Most provide ideal habitat for fish, but this creek has not supported fish passage for about 40 years. "We have accounts of salmon dating from the 50s, 60s," said Ronda Fast, Environmental Program Coordinator, Portland Bureau of Environmental Services.
  • Fish behavior guides riverbank repairs

    Reducing flood risk in an environmentally mindful way brought ecologists to the Coleman National Fish Hatchery in Anderson, Calif., March 25-27 2013, to surgically implant electronic tracking devices into hundreds of live fish to study their behavior in the Sacramento River system.
  • Corps seeks comments on draft Environmental Assessment for Post Office Lake habitat restoration

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers seeks comments on a draft Environmental Assessment and a draft Finding of No Significant Impact for a habitat restoration project at Post Office Lake in Clark County, Wash.