Tag: hydropower
  • Truman and Stockton Dams produce hydropower for region: Celebrate National Hydropower Day

    With the National Hydropower Association declaring August 24, 2023, as National Hydropower Day, the Kansas City District wants to celebrate our hydropower plants at Harry S. Truman Lake and Stockton Lake in central Missouri. The NHA theme for this year: hydropower is the key. What does that mean? Well, hydropower is key to cleaner communities. Hydropower production does not add to greenhouse gasses that contribute to higher temperatures on earth. Water runs through turbines in the dam and produces energy by turning the turbines with assistance from gravity.
  • Missouri River Basin drought conditions persist

    July runoff in the Missouri River basin above Sioux City, Iowa was 3.3 million acre-feet (MAF), 99% of average. Runoff was near or above average in all reaches except the Fort Peck reach, which was 68% of average. The annual runoff forecast above Sioux City, IA is 28.5 MAF, 111% of average.
  • Nashville District continues hydropower modernization repairs

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (July 28, 2023) —The Nashville District continues use of funds granted under the Section 212 Water Resources Development Act of 2000 for hydropower plant rehabilitation to bring generators up to date through the Hydropower Modernization Program.
  • USACE Plans Fish Survival Testing this Fall on the Second Improved Fish Passage Turbine

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Walla Walla District has started the installation process in Unit 1 for another adjustable blade turbine designed for improved fish passage. The Corps has been working diligently to decrease fish injury and improve survival rates through turbines designed for improved fish passage at Ice Harbor Lock and Dam.
  • Gavins Point releases increased after System storage check

    Above average rainfall and fast-melting snow led to above average runoff in the upper Missouri River Basin in June. Runoff above Sioux City, Iowa was 6.7 million acre-feet, which is 122% of average. The annual runoff forecast above Sioux City, Iowa is 29.2 MAF, 114% of average, and about 2.4 MAF higher than last month’s forecast.
  • Rapid mountain snowmelt; above-average May runoff

    Warm temperatures in the mountainous region of the upper Missouri River Basin has led to a quick melt of the mountain snowpack. The rapid melting combined with precipitation in the western half of the Basin resulted in above-average inflow into the reservoir system. May runoff for the Basin above Sioux City, IA was 4.9 million acre-feet, 144% of average.
  • Hydropower capabilities set to surge on three rivers in Pittsburgh District

    Recently, Rye Development announced they would begin constructing four hydropower plants at lock and dam facilities on the Ohio, Monongahela, and Allegheny rivers. Once construction begins, it can take 24-36 months to complete a facility.
  • ORBIT stakeholders navigate Kentucky Lock Addition Project

    GRAND RIVERS, Ky. (May 19, 2023) – The Ohio River Basin Inspection Tour visited western Kentucky this week where stakeholders of the basin highlighted healthy and productive ecosystems, reliable flood risk management, and resilience of the Ohio River waterway system for inland navigation. They also navigated to the Kentucky Lock Addition Project for a construction update and better understanding of how the larger lock will help unlock congested commercial barge traffic.
  • Corps to begin deep drawdowns at Green Peter, Lookout Point

    Beginning in June, the Portland District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will begin to gradually drawdown Lookout Point and Green Peter reservoirs to historically low levels. The goal of these reservoir “drawdowns,” which are part of an injunction ordered by the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon, is to increase juvenile spring Chinook and steelhead survival and passage through the reservoirs and past the dams.
  • Fort Peck releases to decline during maintenance

    Releases from Fort Peck Dam will be reduced from 9,000 cubic feet per second to 6,000 cfs on May 22. Releases will be increased back to 9,000 cfs on June 2. If the maintenance work is completed early, releases will return to 9,000 cfs as soon as possible.