Tag: river
  • ERDC EL develops assessment model for the John H. Kerr Dam Project

    Jan. 11, 2013, BOYDTON, Va.--ERDC Environmental Laboratory (EL) researchers have developed a model that assesses alternative scenarios for the John H. Kerr Dam and Reservoir recently approved by the Headquarters U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (HQUSACE) Model Certification Team.
  • Channel expansion made Detroit River safer for mariners

    One hundred years ago, the Detroit District wrapped up an expansion and widening of the Livingstone
  • Scrutinizing Sediment Deposits at Cochiti Lake

    The effectiveness of Cochiti Dam for sediment control has led to a serious issue confronting the reservoir—sediment deposition is reducing reservoir storage capacity and causing significant aggradation upstream within the Rio Grande channel. Monitoring sediment volume, spatial distribution and rate of deposition is of paramount concern to the District. Consequences for the operation and life expectancy of Cochiti Dam and Reservoir are at stake.
  • District Hosts Meeting to Discuss Rio Grande

    More than 80 Rio Grande stakeholders met at the District headquarters Feb. 18 to discuss urbanization issues and possible projects associated with the Rio Grande, referred to by some as the “spine of New Mexico.”
  • Tribes Step Forward to Sponsor Work

    When the sponsor for the Española Basin project pulled its support for this flood risk management study in 1996, people assumed that the project was finished. But in 2004, an alliance of three Pueblos, Ohkay Owingeh, Santa Clara and San Ildefonso, devised a new, holistic vision for the project that made ecosystem restoration the centerpiece of river and flood management efforts.