Tag: intern
  • Finding the spark: One Walla Walla native’s drive to become an electrical engineer

    Growing up, Eric Hedine loved science and pictured himself becoming a biologist. However, his plans shifted when he discovered electrical engineering.
  • Dartmouth interns gain research experience at ERDC’s Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

    Two prospective engineering majors at Dartmouth have been able to jump-start their careers through an internship program at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center’s Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) in Hanover, New Hampshire.
  • College of Charleston intern helps USACE Charleston District GIS team

    For a graduate student who grew up in Charleston with an interest in the estuarine environment and marine biology at an early age, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District was the perfect fit for an internship and valuable work experience.
  • Sitka woman finds STEM career with Army engineers

    Everyone pursues a career in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) for a different reason. Danielle Perkins, Department of the Army apprentice at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Alaska District, followed the footsteps of her dad and grandpas into that sector.
  • From Park Aide to Park Ranger

    For Jake Cordtz, it was never a question. The best place to work was the outside, and it was only a matter of time before he became a park ranger for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
  • The ‘Not So Mad’ USACE Hatter

    Twenty-three-year-old U.S. Army Corps of Engineers employee Alexander Harper wouldn’t call himself a “Mad Hatter” but did admit to being “… just a little mad” when describing himself as a self-taught milliner.
  • Where Are They Now?

    Former Advancing Minorities in Engineering (AMIE) intern, Oluwaferanmi Olulana, was writing his last paper for the last project required to complete his undergraduate degree in civil engineering when I contacted him to inquire about his aspirations after his Far East District internship.
  • FED Takes Aim at Increased Diversity with AMIE Internship Program

    “Our District is looking for the industry’s finest graduates and top talent to help design and build our nation’s future by working with the US Army Corps of Engineers,” says Lt. Col. Dennis McGee, Deputy Commander Far East District.
  • Nursing and Engineering: A Surprisingly Unsurprising Pairing

    When I walked into the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Far East District (FED) building on my first day as a summer hire, I felt some uncertainty and confusion as to how I, a nursing major, could contribute to the district. I had never taken an engineering class, nor had I even visited a construction site before. The confusion extended into the district employees as well, as they looked at me and asked, “nursing and engineering? I can’t see how those two have any relation.”
  • Far East District hires first Korean Nation Engineer intern

    DAEGU, South Korea –The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Far East District (FED) has recently hired the district’s first Korean National (KN) Interdisciplinary Engineer intern.