Tag: US Army Corps of Engineers
  • SHEP's water impoundment nearly 30% complete

    Now almost 30 percent complete, the raw-water storage impoundment dike walls are currently four feet above ground level. With a circumference of two-thirds of a mile, they will be 29 feet high, encircle 17 acres and hold 97 million gallons of water when complete.
  • Corps celebrates National Park Service's centennial

    SAVANNAH, Ga. – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District staff participate in a celebration of the National Park Service’s 100th anniversary at Fort Pulaski National Monument near Savannah, Georgia Aug. 25, 2016. The centennial celebrated the achievements of the past 100 years and ushers in a new century of stewardship for America’s national parks
  • Major SHEP mitigation feature progresses

    SAVANNAH, Ga. -- A panoramic view into the cofferdam at the down river dissolved oxygen injection system construction site, Aug. 17, 2016. Workers are pouring concrete for the foundation this week.
  • Undersecretary of the Army visits Savannah District

    SAVANNAH, Ga. -- Undersecretary of the Army Patrick Murphy met with Savannah District leaders to tour significant projects Aug. 11, 2016. Murphy took an aerial tour of the Savannah Harbor as part of his visit to Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield in Georgia. The Savannah District is responsible for maintaining the Savannah harbor and is in the process of deepening it an additional 5 feet to better accommodate larger, post-Panamax container ships, as part of the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project (SHEP).
  • Temporary emergency power team readies for hurricane season

    ATLANTA, Ga. – With fair skies all over the Southeast, inside an emergency operations center (EOC) Hurricane “Noree” pummels coastal and inland Georgia. She displaces more than 30,000 individuals and leaves the state’s most-populated, economic hub crippled in the dark.
  • Top contracting officer wins prestigious USACE award

    SAVANNAH, Ga. – Besting more than 400 eligible procurement contracting officers across the Corps of Engineers, Jennifer Murphy-Mason was recognized nationally as the Procurement Contracting Officer of the Year for fiscal year 2015.
  • Corps remains viligant in managing Lake Okeechobee

    JACKSONVILLE, FL -- Water—in south Florida, we either have too much or too little. For most of 2016, heavy rains fueled by El Nino mean we’ve had too much.
  • Missouri Basin Runoff Below Average in July

    July runoff in the Missouri River Basin above Sioux City, Iowa, was 2.3 million acre feet (MAF), 69 percent of average, according to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). This follows a June runoff that was 74 percent of average. The 2016 calendar year runoff forecast is 22.7 MAF, which is 89 percent of the historic average. The total volume of water stored in the Mainstem Reservoir System is currently 59.4 MAF, occupying 3.3 MAF of the 16.3 MAF combined flood control storage zones. “System storage peaked on June 22 at 60.1 MAF and is gradually declining. The water currently stored in the annual flood control zone will be released during the remainder of the year to serve navigation, water supply and other downstream purposes and will be completely evacuated prior to the start of next year’s runoff season,” said Jody Farhat, chief of the Corps’ Missouri River Basin Water Management Division.
  • Demanding management program sets great expectations

    AUGUSTA, Ga. – J. Strom Thurmond Dam currently operates at 98 percent proficiency but its operators are expected to perform above this percentage.
  • Temporary emergency power team readies for hurricane season

    ATLANTA, Ga. – With fair skies all over the Southeast, inside an emergency operations center (EOC) Hurricane “Noree” pummels coastal and inland Georgia. She displaces more than 30,000 individuals and leaves the state’s most-populated, economic hub crippled in the dark.