Tag: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announces remediation activities in Florissant subdivision

    ST. LOUIS – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) St. Louis District, under its Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP), has begun sampling activities in a subdivision located in Florissant, Missouri. This initiative includes portions of the right-of-way of Cades Cove Drive and on the common grounds adjacent to Coldwater Creek.
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) will increase releases from Lake Okeechobee due to El Niño conditions

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District will make releases east, west and south out of Lake Okeechobee, beginning Feb. 17, 2024, due to heavier-than-normal El Niño rainfall that has kept the lake at an abnormally high level this dry season.
  • A Special Kind of Hunt

    On a frigid Saturday morning in January, at a park in Navarro Mills, Texas, the unthinkable happened. Seven teenagers sat in silence as they scanned the area around them for movement. Instead of staring at a screen, they quietly watched their breaths turn into clouds of steam and rise out of the hunting blind.
  • USACE, Newport News Set Date to Begin Deep Creek Navigation Channel Dredging

    In partnership with the City of Newport News, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Norfolk District has set a date to begin dredging the Deep Creek Navigation Channel.
  • U.S. Army Corps and the City of Hampton Lead the Charge on the Approved Virginia Peninsula Coastal Storm Risk Management Feasibility Study

    The Norfolk District is pairing with the City of Hampton on the Virginia Peninsula Coastal Storm Risk Management Feasibility Study and taking a step toward building the resilience of the Peninsula region against coastal flooding.
  • Galveston District to host career fair

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Galveston District (SWG) will host a Career Fair at the Moody Gardens Convention Center, Jan. 18, 2024, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Hiring managers from all SWG branches will be present to provide information on the different positions available.
  • What Lies Beneath

    Hovering over the calm waters of the lake, a strange device silently surveys every nook and cranny of the unseen depths. With laser beams dancing across the bottom, it paints an intricate drawing of data points revealing the lake’s mysteries. From the deepest depths to the sunny beaches, LiDAR’s watchful eye holds the key to unlocking a world beyond what the naked eye can perceive. A thrilling adventure awaits those who dare to decipher the language of light.
  • USACE celebrates the completion of Caloosahatchee C-43 Reservoir Pump Station

    HENDRY COUNTY, Fla. - (Dec. 19, 2023) The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District (USACE) joined federal, state and local officials to celebrate the completion of a new pump station for the Caloosahatchee (C-43) Reservoir Project today. The C-43 Reservoir, once completed, will hold approximately 170,000 acre-feet of water (55 billion gallons) and is part of the state-federal Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) to restore the environment and make our water resources more resilient.
  • USACE employees rescue turtle hatchlings during rare discovery

    It was a typical site visit to view progress on a local beach restoration project – until it wasn’t. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District employees Lindsay Brantley, Jennifer Tyler, and Brooke Warlitner were traveling along an access road toward Summer Haven to view a beach disposal site when the convoy of vehicles in front of them suddenly began to stop.
  • Notice to Navigation Interests

    The Dismal Swamp Canal will be closed to navigation Jan. 8, 2024, tentatively through March 31, 2024.