Tag: Corps of Engineers
  • Funding Secured to Design Defense Against Erosion at Old Fort Niagara

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District is planning critical defenses against erosion for Old Fort Niagara, part of a project to stabilize a portion of the Lake Ontario shoreline. With funding recently transferred from the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation – the project’s non-federal sponsor – the district is starting a $760,000 design phase.
  • Public meetings set for Invasive Carp Pilot Program

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Aug. 13, 2024) – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District invites the public to participate in one of several public meetings that are planned to discuss the Invasive Carp Management Plan, draft Programmatic Environmental Assessment, and unsigned Finding of No Significant Impact, which are under review to manage and prevent the spread of invasive carp populations in the Tennessee and Cumberland River basins and Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway.
  • More Critical Repairs Started on Vermilion Harbor Piers

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District and its contractor, Chicago-based Architectural Consulting Group, Ltd., have started repairs on another section of the Vermilion Harbor West Pier. Vermilion Harbor’s piers ensure the harbor remains economically viable and able to provide safe access for recreation and refuge to boaters on the Great Lakes.
  • Cadets visit Nashville for engineering, construction, operations insight

    NASHVILLE Tenn. (Aug. 9, 2024) -- People come visit Nashville from all over. They come for any number of reasons, to see a sports game, to celebrate an event or even to hear some country music. But in the case of four engineering cadets with the Reserve Officers' Training Corps, they are in Nashville to see the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District and to get insight of engineering, construction, and operations missions the district supports in the Cumberland River and Tennessee River basins and an area of operations encompassing parts of seven states.
  • Nashville District hosts Adjutant General for Tennessee at Cheatham Dam

    Do you know the difference between the U.S. Army and the Tennessee Army National Guard? It’s a distinction that’s easy to miss. After all, the two forces wear the same uniform, with “U.S. ARMY” splashed across National Guard blouses. But the differences are important to Maj. Gen. Warner A. Ross II, the 77th Adjutant General for Tennessee, who visited the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District’s Cheatham Lock in Ashland City, Tennessee, July 29, 2024.
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Kentucky Lock contractor celebrate safety milestone

    GRAND RIVERS, Ky. — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District, in partnership with the contractor currently working on the Kentucky Lock project, Thalle Construction, celebrated a significant safety milestone with a ceremony, July 30, 2024. The event honored the achievement of surpassing one million man-hours without a lost time accident, a testament to the unwavering commitment to safety by all involved.
  • Maintenance professionals drain Old Hickory Lock for inspection, repairs

    OLD HICKORY, Tenn. (July 30, 2024) – Maintenance professionals with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District recently closed Old Hickory Lock to navigation and drained it to check on the condition of components that operate under the surface of the water.
  • Leaders use continual improvement approach to support safety culture

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (July 26, 2024) – With very large construction and operations projects in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District, creating a safe workplace is critical to mission success, and a responsibility every employee shares.
  • Jesse Pennington, Buffalo District engineer ready to tackle a new career

    Starting a new career and moving to a new city after graduating from college can be a scary and daunting step for anyone to take. Recent University of Akron graduate, Jesse Pennington, is ready to move forward with a confidence and strength that will help her handle anything the engineering world brings. Jesse took a few moments to speak with us about her journey to the Buffalo District and a little about her sports career.
  • Construction Resumes on Critical Repairs for Oswego Breakwater

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District and its contractor, Michigan-based Great Lakes Dock & Materials LLC have resumed construction of repairs to the Oswego West Arrowhead Breakwater. Repairs to the West Arrowhead Breakwater ensure Oswego Harbor’s viability and contributions to the local and national economy and protect the future of some of the area’s best waterfront historical, educational, and recreation opportunities.