Tag: Corps of Engineers
  • ‘Fishin Affliction’ hooks up with Corps on water safety

    NASHVILLE, Ten. (Feb. 17, 2011) – Fishin Affliction, a popular regional fishing show, is hooking up with the Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District to lure audiences into thinking about water safety during the upcoming recreational season.
  • Corps pledges its support for Davidson County Unified Flood Preparedness Program

    NASHVILLE, TN. (Feb. 15, 2011) – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District pledged its support today to join an effort to develop a “Unified Flood Preparedness Program” during a joint press conference at the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County.
  • Strong Resource Oversight is Key to USACE Future

    The District Resource Management (RM) team’s vision is, and has always been, to continuously build value to our customers via our reputation for strong fiscal accountability.
  • Field Office is Growing and Building Strong on the Border

    Despite dust, heat, tight deadlines and some remote, rural project locations, Albuquerque District’s El Paso Resident Office remains committed to Building Strong and strengthening the nation in the southern part of the District.
  • Corps Builds New School for Air Force’s Combat Rescue Mission

    Nearly every commander on Kirtland Air Force base joined a large group of distinguished guests and Corps personnel Oct. 13 to celebrate the opening of the Guardian Angel Training Center.
  • Ragon to chair USSD Committee on Public Awareness

    Rebecca Ragon, a technical editor at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center’s (ERDC) Topographic Engineering Center (TEC) Alexandria, Va., was recently selected as chair of the Committee on Public Awareness for the U.S. Society on Dams (USSD).
  • University of Virginia gamer makes good during TEC summer

    Katherine Marie Arthur is a third year civil engineering student at UVA, and came to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Research and Development Center-Topographic Engineering Center (ERDC-TEC), Alexandria, Va., through a pathway that proves marketing who we are and what we do is worth the effort.