Tag: Earth Day
  • Corps recreation projects host programs, volunteers for Earth Day

    CROOKED CREEK LAKE Crooked Creek will be co-hosting a clean-up with a few local Lions groups on
  • Rescued Florida panther released into Picayune Strand

    This year, Earth Day in the south blocks is a very different story. It’s an environmental success story with a variety of subplots. The Picayune Strand Restoration Project, the first component of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) to begin construction, is well under way. Though the project is not yet complete, benefits are already being observed. Groundwater levels have improved and vegetation is recruiting naturally in an orderly succession. Wildlife continues to use the area, traveling long-used trails and open areas, including a bridge across one of the canals near the Merritt Pump Station, even during the construction phase.
  • Activities help USACE celebrate Earth Day

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is marking the 33rd Earth Day with celebrations far and wide, and as diverse as possible, running the gamut from simple cleanups to educational activities for young and old alike. Headquarters Corps of Engineers will participate once again in the National Sustainable Design Expo April 18 and 19 on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.
  • LA District continues innovative partnership

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District has helped develop a strong partnership at Alamo Dam and along the Bill Williams River to continue sustaining our nation’s economic and water resources. Through the collaboration, known as the Bill Williams River Corridor Steering Committee, with other government agencies and partners, the Corps ensured the flows from Alamo Dam maximized taxpayer dollars by maintaining a high level of sustainability for a variety of communities.
  • Corps of Engineers helps build 'green' military base for the future

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District is helping build a military base for the future at Fort Hunter Liggett, Calif., one of several U.S. Army pilot installations selected to be net zero energy and net zero waste by 2020. Net zero means the installation will create as much energy as it uses, and reuse and recover all of its waste products. The district is nearing completion on the second of four solar microgrid projects at the installation.
  • Tygart Lake Celebrates Earth Day with a Shoreline Cleanup Project

               GRAFTON, WEST VIRGINIA – Tygart Lake, in cooperation with the Save the Tygart Watershed
  • NR 12-007: Nashville District supporting Earth Day 2012 activities

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (April 19, 2012) – Celebrating Earth Day’s 42nd anniversary April 21, 2012, Nashville District lakes are uniting with local communities to promote this year’s Earth Day theme “Mobilize the Earth™” by raising awareness of environmental issues and providing opportunities for the public to participate in Earth-friendly activities. Individual lake activities supporting Earth Day are listed below.