Tag: Chicago
  • Former U.S. Army 10th Mountain soldiers now leading the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Great Lakes region

    COL Drew, LTC Czekanski, and LTC Sugrue each wear the unit patch of the 10th Mountain Division on the right arm of their uniform, signifying their time with the Division during tours of duty in combat. It is symbol of their commitment to protect our Nation in a time of war, a commitment they continue today serving with the Corps of Engineers during a time of peace.
  • Emergency managers map out New Madrid earthquake preparedness

    JACKSON, Tenn. (May 12, 2014) – Emergency management officials moved pictures and signs, much like game pieces on a large board game, on a 24-by-24 foot floor map of the New Madrid seismic zone May 8, 2014 at the National Guard Armory in Jackson, Tenn. The exercise simulated an emergency response in the event of a major earthquake.