Tag: STEM Education
  • Local students participate, tune in for live panel featuring ERDC female leaders

    Students from across the Vicksburg-Warren School District sent in questions and joined the conversation during the most recent segment of ERDC Live, a social media broadcast of the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC). The theme of the episode, which aired on March 21, was “Women in Innovation: Leading a Better Tomorrow.” Panelists were ERDC Deputy Director Dr. Beth Fleming, ERDC Associate Director Pat Sullivan and ERDC Commander Col. Teresa Schlosser.
  • Confidence in future STEMs from students’ enthusiasm

    The Army Corps of Engineers Transatlantic Middle East District (TAM) participates in events that highlight and encourage interest in STEM through STARBASE Academy in Winchester, Va. While no two discussions with 5th graders are the same, this week's encounter was one for the books!
  • ERDC engineers and scientists participate in Girl Scout workshop

    A group of female engineers and scientists from the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) in Vicksburg recently came together to speak to 30 Girl Scouts from the Vicksburg area.
  • Army engineers teach 125 students about STEM in Alaska

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Alaska District hosted 125 students from the Fairbanks community for STEM activities on Aug. 5 at the Chena River Lakes Flood Control Project near North Pole, Alaska.
  • JED STEM Reaffirmation

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Japan District renewed their commitment to the nation’s emerging scientists and engineers with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding uniting Japan Engineer District and Zama Middle High School at JED’s headquarters here Jan. 19.
  • Norfolk engineer inspires students in design challenge

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Norfolk District played a key role in an engineering-design challenge that attracted students from across Newport News Public Schools.
  • USACE Norfolk District oyster restoration reaps STEM results

    Norfolk Christian Schools students took part in a science, technology, engineering and mathematics - collectively known as STEM - event held by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Norfolk District Oyster Reef Team here, Nov. 1. The trip to the Norfolk District oyster reef was also designed to give the students a first-hand experience in conservation and restoration of the native mollusk.
  • Corps of Engineers enters educational partnership with Morgan State University

     “We don’t want to just increase the number of American students in STEM.  We want to make sure
  • Nashville teachers graduate STEM curriculum with Corps externships

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (June 28, 2013) – Local high school teachers are using externships with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District to create class curriculum that will challenge students and encourage them to investigate, explore, experiment, problem solve, create and invent.